Wednesday, August 26, 2020

VentureBeat Guest column: We need to democratize data literacy

When a doctor employed by a government run national health care system (i.e. UK NHS) writes about democratization!

"The old argument goes that of course these forward-thinking companies are outstripping laggard rivals. That’s capitalism, right? But if we accept this line of reasoning, we risk sleep-walking towards a monopolistic economyone in which Amazon’s stranglehold sucks oxygen from local businesses the world over, where BooHoo strips the market down to a skeleton, or where Google controls everything from how we learn to what we cook. We need to arm smaller, slower, or less well financed organizations with the tools they need to stay competitive."
What a baloney and nonsense! The history of market economies provides ample evidence how once mighty companies were beaten by competitors often without much government intervention. Vice versa, the same history provides plenty of examples how big government created economic monopolies. 

We need to democratize data literacy | VentureBeat written by Dr. Anas Nader is a doctor in the UK’s National Health Service and co-founder of healthtech platform Patchwork Health.

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