Sunday, August 30, 2020

Matrix approach removes distortions in ultrasound images

Good news!

"In addition, conventional adaptive focusing methods that correct for aberrations to optimize the image quality are often based on the assumption that these aberrations do not change over the entire field-of-view. In reality, the extent of image distortions can vary as a function of imaging depth inside a biological tissue."

"We present a physically intuitive matrix approach for wave imaging and characterization in scattering media. The experimental proof of concept is performed with ultrasonic waves, but this approach can be applied to any field of wave physics for which multielement technology is available. The concept is that focused beam forming enables the synthesis, in transmit and receive, of an array of virtual transducers which map the entire medium to be imaged. ..."

Matrix approach removes distortions in ultrasound images – Physics World

Here is a link to the underlying research paper (open access):
Reflection Matrix Approach for Quantitative Imaging of Scattering Media

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