Saturday, August 29, 2020

SF Holdings wants plane-size cargo drones to deliver goods to rural areas in China

China is pushing ahead in drone commercial usage!

One wonders though, why does this drone look like a conventional propeller driven biplane? Is there actually a pilot inside?

"... SF Holdings said it successfully completed a trial of the country’s first unmanned cargo flight in northwest China last Friday. Unlike some companies that are testing small delivery drones to drop off a single package at nearby locations, SF’s aircraft is said to be capable of flying longer with a payload of up to 1.5 tonnes.
The giant drone is designed to reach a maximum flight distance of 1,200km at a speed of 180km per hour. ..."

SF Holdings wants plane-size cargo drones to deliver goods to rural areas in China | South China Morning Post China’s largest delivery company completed its first autonomous cargo drone flight. Companies around the world are building unmanned civilian aircraft for the freight business

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