Sunday, August 30, 2020

The appalling demagoguery of innocent black man shot by police officer in the U.S.

It is irresponsible, dangerous and outrageous propaganda and demagoguery spread by the domestic and global mainstream media and elites that here in the U.S. innocent black men are frequently shot and killed by police officers. This demagoguery is of the same quality as the Nazi "Ewige Jude" propaganda! To turn these black men into some sort of martyrs and celebrities is an absolutely gross distortion! All this is deeply disturbing and uncivilized!

The facts are quite different:

  1. Most of these men were anything but innocent. Most of them had criminal records (sometimes sever) and/or had an arrest warrant
  2. The police officers were either were called to respond to a criminal event with the man reported as the offender or they observed a criminal activity in progress by these men. Thus, almost none of these men were picked at random by or as an capricious act by the police officers.
  3. Some of the men have actively resisted arrest and were warned before. Police officers also have used non lethal methods before they fired their weapon
  4. Most of the men were under the influence of drugs. E.g. George Floyd had significant amounts of at least three different drugs in his system as revealed by the autopsy of his body
  5. Every day white men or other men die under similar circumstances, which is being suppressed or omitted

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