Sunday, August 30, 2020

Discovery opens up new path in study of marine evolution and biodiversity

Amazing stuff!

Unfortunately, this otherwise interesting article has been partially ruined by repeating the propaganda and demagoguery of the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change medieval superstition!

"New UCLA research indicates that an evolutionary phenomenon never before observed among marine life could help explain why there is such immense biodiversity in the world’s coral reefs and the ocean beyond.

Two studies — one of reef-dwelling marine snails, the other of similar mollusks called nudibranchs — show for the first time that new species of both groups may be emerging as a result of host-switching, in which populations of these animals that rely on a single species of coral for food and habitat switch to a new coral species, leading to wide genetic and physical differentiation. The phenomenon had only been seen previously in viruses, insects and several other organisms."

Discovery opens up new path in study of marine evolution and biodiversity | UCLA Two UCLA studies of ocean mollusks shed light on how new species develop

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