Monday, August 31, 2020

Resisting Arrest: The Terrifying Danger Cops Face Every Day

Caution: This is extreme, disturbing violence! Very recommendable! The dangers police officers face every day on the job! It does not happen very frequently, but nobody knows when it will happen!

'Jexodus' encourages Jewish people to leave the Dem Party

President Trump will make the Dimocrats loose significant numbers of the Jewish vote and the black vote!

Tucker Carlson: Kyle Rittenhouse's attorney says his client acted in self-defense

Wow! This is serious stuff if confirmed in a court of law!

Good questions by by the attorney why is Kyle in jail and not any of his attackers, especially the one with the arm injury!

Did George Floyd ingest drugs or even an overdose of drugs during his arrest?

If confirmed, this is a bombshell! The attorneys for the police officer are asking the court to dismiss the case!

"An attorney for one of the other officers involved in Floyd's death also says bodycam footage shows the moment Floyd reportedly ingested a lethal amount of drugs."

Cops' lawyers make bombshell claims in George Floyd case: Bodycam shows Floyd ingesting fatal amount of drugs before arrest; he died of overdose - TheBlaze Defense Attorney Eric J. Nelson — lawyer for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin — said the late George Floyd was the victim of a careless overdose rather than police homicide.

UAE cancels Israel boycott law as El Al prepares first direct flight to UAE

Good news! When will other Arab countries follow!

UAE cancels Israel boycott law as El Al prepares first direct flight and Kushner promises more deals - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Why Was Churchill So Concerned About The Africa Campaign?

Recommendable! A documentary with David Reynolds.

The appalling demagoguery of innocent black man shot by police officer in the U.S.

It is irresponsible, dangerous and outrageous propaganda and demagoguery spread by the domestic and global mainstream media and elites that here in the U.S. innocent black men are frequently shot and killed by police officers. This demagoguery is of the same quality as the Nazi "Ewige Jude" propaganda! To turn these black men into some sort of martyrs and celebrities is an absolutely gross distortion! All this is deeply disturbing and uncivilized!

The facts are quite different:

  1. Most of these men were anything but innocent. Most of them had criminal records (sometimes sever) and/or had an arrest warrant
  2. The police officers were either were called to respond to a criminal event with the man reported as the offender or they observed a criminal activity in progress by these men. Thus, almost none of these men were picked at random by or as an capricious act by the police officers.
  3. Some of the men have actively resisted arrest and were warned before. Police officers also have used non lethal methods before they fired their weapon
  4. Most of the men were under the influence of drugs. E.g. George Floyd had significant amounts of at least three different drugs in his system as revealed by the autopsy of his body
  5. Every day white men or other men die under similar circumstances, which is being suppressed or omitted

Cloud impacts on climate are profound – but so are uncertainties

More on the propaganda and demagoguery of the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change medieval superstition! The science about the Global Warming/Climate Change is far from being settled! It is more science fiction and a hoax!

"The representation of microphysical processes in models continues to pose a major challenge leading to uncertainty in numerical weather forecasts and climate simulations. ... The difficulty of representing cloud and precipitation particle populations and knowledge gaps in cloud processes both introduce important uncertainties into models that translate into uncertainty in weather forecasts and climate simulations, including climate change assessments."

Scientists: It’s ‘Impossible’ To Measure Critical Cloud Processes…Observations 1/50th As Accurate As They Must Be – Iowa Climate Science Education Clouds dominate as the driver of changes in the Earth’s radiation budget and climate. A comprehensive new analysis suggests we’re so uncertain about cloud processes and how they affect climate we can’t even quantify our uncertainty. 

Here is the link to the latest research paper quoted in the above article (open access):

Confronting the Challenge of Modeling Cloud and Precipitation Microphysics

Discovery opens up new path in study of marine evolution and biodiversity

Amazing stuff!

Unfortunately, this otherwise interesting article has been partially ruined by repeating the propaganda and demagoguery of the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change medieval superstition!

"New UCLA research indicates that an evolutionary phenomenon never before observed among marine life could help explain why there is such immense biodiversity in the world’s coral reefs and the ocean beyond.

Two studies — one of reef-dwelling marine snails, the other of similar mollusks called nudibranchs — show for the first time that new species of both groups may be emerging as a result of host-switching, in which populations of these animals that rely on a single species of coral for food and habitat switch to a new coral species, leading to wide genetic and physical differentiation. The phenomenon had only been seen previously in viruses, insects and several other organisms."

Discovery opens up new path in study of marine evolution and biodiversity | UCLA Two UCLA studies of ocean mollusks shed light on how new species develop

A short history of the Iranian drone program

More potential threats to e.g. Israel and the U.S. Navy!

"Iranian officials may exaggerate their capabilities, but Western analysts should not dismiss the threat posed by Iranian drones. Iranian authorities have invested in and experimented with drones for 35 years. ...
The biggest danger posed by Iranian UAVs, however, in years to come may be the result of Iranian proliferation of its drones to proxy groups, such as Lebanese Hezbollah, and the transfer of the ability to manufacture those drones. This will create some ambiguity in the operational environment as uncertainty about the identity of the drone’s controller can undercut momentum to hold that controlling country or group to account"

A short history of the Iranian drone program | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Face-specific brain area responds to faces even in people born blind

Amazing stuff! 

"More than 20 years ago, [researchers] discovered that a small section of the brain located near the base of the skull responds much more strongly to faces than to other objects we see. This area, known as the fusiform face area, is believed to be specialized for identifying faces. Now, in a surprising new finding, [researchers] have shown that this same region also becomes active in people who have been blind since birth, when they touch a three-dimensional model of a face with their hands. The finding suggests that this area does not require visual experience to develop a preference for faces. ... The new work builds on a 2017 study from researchers in Belgium. In that study, congenitally blind subjects were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) as they listened to a variety of sounds, some related to faces (such as laughing or chewing), and others not. That study found higher responses in the vicinity of the FFA to face-related sounds than to sounds such as a ball bouncing or hands clapping."

Face-specific brain area responds to faces even in people born blind | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Study finds that the fusiform face area is active when blind people touch 3D models of faces.

This is the most comprehensive X-ray map of the sky ever made

Amazing stuff and more is to come!

Will this also be the end of dark matter like the previous and recent discovery of massive amounts of thinly spread intergalactic matter (blogged here about it)?

"The map, released June 19, is based on data from the first full scan of the sky made by the eROSITA X-ray telescope onboard the Russian-German SRG spacecraft, which launched in July 2019. The six-month, all-sky survey, which began in December and wrapped up in June, is only the first of eight total sky surveys that eROSITA will perform over the next few years. But this sweep alone cataloged some 1.1 million X-ray sources across the cosmos — just about doubling the number of known X-ray emitters in the universe. ... eROSITA’s new map reveals objects about four times as faint as could be seen in the last survey of the whole X-ray sky, conducted by the ROSAT space telescope in the 1990s ... “At present, we probably know about a little less than 8,000 clusters of galaxies,” ... But over its four-year mission, eROSITA is expected to find a total of 50,000 to 100,000 clusters. In the first sweep alone, it picked up about 20,000."

This is the most comprehensive X-ray map of the sky ever made | Science News A new map of the entire sky, as seen in X-rays, looks deeper into space than any other of its kind.

Matrix approach removes distortions in ultrasound images

Good news!

"In addition, conventional adaptive focusing methods that correct for aberrations to optimize the image quality are often based on the assumption that these aberrations do not change over the entire field-of-view. In reality, the extent of image distortions can vary as a function of imaging depth inside a biological tissue."

"We present a physically intuitive matrix approach for wave imaging and characterization in scattering media. The experimental proof of concept is performed with ultrasonic waves, but this approach can be applied to any field of wave physics for which multielement technology is available. The concept is that focused beam forming enables the synthesis, in transmit and receive, of an array of virtual transducers which map the entire medium to be imaged. ..."

Matrix approach removes distortions in ultrasound images – Physics World

Here is a link to the underlying research paper (open access):
Reflection Matrix Approach for Quantitative Imaging of Scattering Media

Near infrared fluorescence imaging provides early diagnosis of cracked teeth

Good news!

"Cracked teeth are a common condition and, thanks to their potential to allow bacteria across the enamel–dentin junction, also the third highest cause of tooth loss. ... At present, there is no dependable clinical method for detecting the presence of cracks in tooth enamel."

Near infrared fluorescence imaging provides early diagnosis of cracked teeth – Physics World

Hegel – der Mann, der die Büchse der Pandora öffnete

Sehr empfehlenswert!

"Die unreflektierte Begeisterung vieler Deutscher für den Staat und seine ordnenden Funktionen ist ein langanhaltendes Phänomen. Vom Ur-Deutschen Luther („so ergibt sich der rechte Christ aufs allerwilligste unter des Schwertes Regiment, zahlt Steuern, ehrt die Obrigkeit“) über Otto von Bismarck („Nicht durch Reden oder Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden sondern durch Eisen und Blut.“) ... direkt von Hegel übernommen“ wurden ... darunter den Nationalismus; Krieg als erstrebenswerter Naturzustand; Kollektivismus; das Ideal des Führers; und eine Idealisierung des Heldentums. ..."

Hegel – der Mann, der die Büchse der Pandora öffnete – Prometheus Wenige Denker haben einen so prägenden Einfluss auf die Debatten der letzten zwei Jahrhunderte ausgeübt wie der gestern vor 250 Jahren geborene Philosoph Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Die Gesamtbilanz ist katastrophal.

Michael Moore admits President Trump is on course for sweeping November win after correctly predicting 2016 wi

Michael Moore does it again like in 2016. If you want to listen to the astonishing  speech Moore gave in 2016 as to why Trump will win see my blog post here.

Michael Moore admits President Trump is on 

course for sweeping November win after correctly predicting 2016 win - TheBlaze

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Why Beauty Matters? With Roger Scruton

Recommendable! Something to ponder about!

Beauty as a path to god!

Laura Ingraham: Kamala's big con

Very recommendable!

Mistress Kamala e.g. as a backup singer (and other unusual footage of U.S. Senator Harris)! Very entertaining! However, Harris is a disaster!

Aerial America: Texas by Smithsonian Channel


Aerial America: Texas (Full Episode)

Kamala Harris’ dad slams his daughter’s use of 'identity politics'

Mistress Kamala admits to pot smoking like she was the stereotypical Jamaican! Her father was not impressed to say the least.

Women's Cervical Mucus Prefers Some Sperm Over Others

May help to explain some cases of infertility in couples!

"... researchers found that sperm function better in cervical mucus from women with less similar sequences for the genes that encode the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system, a group of cell-surface proteins that the immune system uses to differentiate self from non-self. ..."

"Several studies have demonstrated that women show pre-copulatory mating preferences for human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-dissimilar men. A fascinating, yet unexplored, possibility is that the ultimate mating bias towards HLA-dissimilar partners could occur after copulation, at the gamete level. ..."

Women's Cervical Mucus Prefers Some Sperm Over Others | The Scientist Magazine® In human male-female pairs with a less similar suite of genes for human leukocyte antigens, sperm fare better when exposed to cervical mucus.

Here is the link to the research paper (notice the title of this paper, sometimes researcher are quite creative):

Post-copulatory genetic matchmaking: HLA-dependent effects of cervical mucus on human sperm function

SF Holdings wants plane-size cargo drones to deliver goods to rural areas in China

China is pushing ahead in drone commercial usage!

One wonders though, why does this drone look like a conventional propeller driven biplane? Is there actually a pilot inside?

"... SF Holdings said it successfully completed a trial of the country’s first unmanned cargo flight in northwest China last Friday. Unlike some companies that are testing small delivery drones to drop off a single package at nearby locations, SF’s aircraft is said to be capable of flying longer with a payload of up to 1.5 tonnes.
The giant drone is designed to reach a maximum flight distance of 1,200km at a speed of 180km per hour. ..."

SF Holdings wants plane-size cargo drones to deliver goods to rural areas in China | South China Morning Post China’s largest delivery company completed its first autonomous cargo drone flight. Companies around the world are building unmanned civilian aircraft for the freight business

Friday, August 28, 2020

Bulgaria with Rick Steves

Recommendable! Did you know that Bulgaria saved its Jews from the Nazis?
The birthplace of Alexander the Great's father and much more ...

Shinzo Abe Will Resign as Japan’s Prime Minister, Citing His Worsening Health

My respect to this politician, Shinzo Abe!

Many career politicians think they are so important to be irreplaceable!

Take the horrible U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt as an example: He stayed on for three terms, although only two terms was rule until then. Then FDR died in office and he did not even bother to brief his successor!

Shinzo Abe Will Resign as Japan’s Prime Minister, Citing His Worsening Health - WSJ

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany Comes Forward With Deeply Personal Story

I am very sorry for this great White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany!

Cancer needs to be defeated ASAP so that e.g. no woman ever has to opt for a mastectomy! We have the means, but not the commitment!

BBC: Libya's 'Game of Drones'

Very recommendable! Great detective/forensic story! This an example of great journalism employing latest technology!

Libya is the world's largest war theater for drones.

UAE and Egypt are also actively involved in the war in Libya.

Gefährliche Windkraftanlagen

Die Absurdität der Erzeugung von Windenergie wird immer deutlicher!

"Herabstürzende Flügel, brennende Rotoren: Über die Sicherheit von Windkraftanlagen wird heftig gestritten"

Welche Sicherheitsbedenken es bei Windkraftanlagen gibt 

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

MIT: Artificial Lining for the Gastrointestinal tract

Amazing stuff! This novel approach may well have potential!

"... to apply a temporary synthetic coating to the lining of the small intestine. This coating could be adapted to deliver drugs, aid in digestion, or prevent nutrients such as glucose from being absorbed. ..."

The Complex History of Africa's Iron Lady: Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Recommendable! Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was the first elected female head of state in Africa, i.e. Liberia.

Especially the first several minutes where the early history of Liberia is covered. Freed slaves from the U.S. would oppress the indigenous population and consider themselves as superior!

Feminists criticized President Sirleaf, because Ellen considered feminism to be an extremism! I side with Ellen on this! :-)

Initiative Seeks to CT Scan Kenya's Unexplored Fossil Trove

What else is unexplored on the huge continent of Africa?

Why are the Kenyan artifacts are taken only to South Africa for CT scanning and nowhere else as this article reports?

"The paleontology collection at the Nairobi National Museum is so vast that the bones of an extinct lion-like carnivore larger than a polar bear went unnoticed for three decades. And they’re so old, there’s a chance whenever curator Job Kibii opens a drawer that the creature inside may be the earliest known of its kind."

Initiative Seeks to CT Scan Kenya's Unexplored Fossil Trove | The Scientist Magazine® A paleontologist at the National Museums of Kenya is spearheading an effort to make 3-D reconstructions of the institution’s fossils available internationally.

VentureBeat Guest column: We need to democratize data literacy

When a doctor employed by a government run national health care system (i.e. UK NHS) writes about democratization!

"The old argument goes that of course these forward-thinking companies are outstripping laggard rivals. That’s capitalism, right? But if we accept this line of reasoning, we risk sleep-walking towards a monopolistic economyone in which Amazon’s stranglehold sucks oxygen from local businesses the world over, where BooHoo strips the market down to a skeleton, or where Google controls everything from how we learn to what we cook. We need to arm smaller, slower, or less well financed organizations with the tools they need to stay competitive."
What a baloney and nonsense! The history of market economies provides ample evidence how once mighty companies were beaten by competitors often without much government intervention. Vice versa, the same history provides plenty of examples how big government created economic monopolies. 

We need to democratize data literacy | VentureBeat written by Dr. Anas Nader is a doctor in the UK’s National Health Service and co-founder of healthtech platform Patchwork Health.

Trump’s Arctic drilling plan challenged over polar bear threat

Same old, same old! These tiresome environmentalists! It is one of those great myth and frequently repeated propaganda that polar bears are an endangered species!

As a matter of fact, modern oil drilling can be done safe and very environmentally friendly with minimal impact on nature!

"Environmentalists and Alaska natives are challenging the Trump administration’s decision to sell drilling rights in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, arguing the government gave short shrift to the impact on polar bears and the region’s other wildlife."

Trump’s Arctic drilling plan challenged over polar bear threat -

Designer plastic can be recycled over and over again

Good news! More trust in human ingenuity! Plastophobia is a terrible disease and a medieval superstition!

"An entirely new class of polymers that matches popular plastics’ thermal and mechanical properties but has the potential to be recycled and reused indefinitely has been developed by scientists in the US, China and Saudi Arabia."

Designer plastic can be recycled over and over again | Research | Chemistry World Bicyclic thiolactone building block makes for high-quality polymers with chemical recyclability

This is the first-ever map of all of the solar corona’s magnetic field

Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a medieval superstition!

We still know so little about the greatest cause of all climate change on earth, the sun!

"“This is the first time we’ve mapped the coronal magnetic field on a large scale,” says Steven Tomczyk, a solar physicist at the High Altitude Observatory in Boulder, Colo., who designed the coronagraph."

This is the first-ever map of all of the solar corona’s magnetic field | Science News Future telescopes could make similar maps to predict solar eruptions

Democratic Party’s Platform Omits “One-China Policy” in Reference to Taiwan

In Taiwan, this remarkable, but largely underreported policy change of the U.S. Dimocratic Party during their convention last week was noticed. 

The Dimocrats are following President Trump without giving him credit!

"In a sign of the changing political winds in Washington, DC, the Democratic Party’s 2020 platform made a not so subtle and significant adjustment in the party’s policy towards Taiwan—bringing it more into alignment with the Republican Party’s position on the island-democracy. A party platform encapsulates the view of mainstream members of the party’s principles, goals, and positions on domestic and foreign affairs. In the paragraph underscoring the “China challenge” facing the United States, the Democratic Party’s 2020 platform, adopted on August 18, states:

Democrats believe the China challenge is not primarily a military one, but we will deter and respond to aggression. We will underscore our global commitment to freedom of navigation and resist the Chinese military’s intimidation in the South China Sea. Democrats are committed to the Taiwan Relations Act and will continue to support a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues consistent with the wishes and best interests of the people of Taiwan."

Vol. 5, Issue 17 – Global Taiwan Institute: The Global Taiwan Brief Volume 5, Issue 17 Fortnightly ReviewBy: Russell Hsiao Guatemala’s Role in Taiwan’s Diplomatic Strategy in Central AmericaBy: I-wei Jennifer Chang Propaganda Drives “Ma…

Cerium oxide nanoparticles could put a stop to tooth cavities

Very good news! It is long overdue to better protect our teeth! One day, perhaps we will have a genetic modification to harden the enamel! Less business for dentists! :-)

Cerium oxide nanoparticles could put a stop to tooth cavities | Research | Chemistry World US researchers have found the material can prevent plaque from forming and could perhaps thwart tooth decay

750 Million Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Will Be Released in the Florida Keys

Good news! Very clever!

"The strain of GM mosquitoes, known as OX513A, is an altered form of Aedes aegypti created by UK-based biotech firm Oxitec. Released mosquitoes will be all male, as male mosquitoes do not bite and generally only feed on nectar. Thanks to a conditionally lethal genetic variant, when OX513A mosquitoes mate with wild females, their offspring should die before they are old enough for females to begin biting"

750 Million GM Mosquitoes Will Be Released in the Florida Keys | The Scientist Magazine® There have been no reports of health or environmental harm in other locations where genetically modified mosquitoes have been introduced over the last decade.

The Scandalous Adventures Of Lord Byron

Not recommendable! The narrator, openly gay and narcissistic Rupert Everett, obsessively caricatures Lord Byron as an homosexual/bisexual sex symbol! The narrator is constantly undressing ...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Charlie Chaplin: The Pawnshop 1916 (colorized)


India: Massive buildup along LAC by Chinese troops; military option back on table

Bad news! Very concerning regarding the Line of Actual Control or border dispute between India and China!

Pandemie lässt Unternehmensgründungen einbrechen

Senkt endlich die Steuern und Abgaben deutlich und dauerhaft in Deutschland! Reduziert die Gesetze und Vorschriften. Mehr freie Marktwirtschaft statt sozialistische Planwirtschaft wie unter der SED Kanzlerin Merkel.

Pandemie lässt Unternehmensgründungen einbrechen | Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft

UNHINGED: Pelosi Labels Republicans "Domestic Enemies...Enemies Of The S...

Nancy Pelosi is getting more bizarre as time goes by! She is long overdue for an appointment with a psychiatrist!

eigentümlich frei: Vereint gegen Corona Fake News: Eine Erwiderung

Sehr empfehlenswert!

AfD aktuell: Jörg Meuthen zu den Lockdown-Folgen

Sehr empfehlenswert! Genau, endlich mehr freie Marktwirtschaft und weniger Staat!

Is California Going Up in Flames? The Blackout State

Very recommendable! What the electricity grid in California is up to a hundred years old and more shocking revelations!

Tucker Carlson: When do we get America back?

Very recommendable! Tucker is getting better almost every night!

MIT: Sliding through a syringe

Good news! Possibly a game changer!

Syringe technology could enable injection of concentrated biologic drugs | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology Researchers have designed a simple, low-cost device for subcutaneous injection of viscous formulations.

Climate at a Glance: Death Valley 130F Media Hype

Global Warming is a hoax! Climate Change is a medieval superstition!

Harriet Tubman: The Conductor Of Freedom

Very recommendable! Harriet Tubman is a one of a kind hero!

Janus v. AFSCME: A Conversation with Mark Janus

Very recommendable! Meet one of the true courageous heroes of our time and civilized society Mr. Mark Janus! If you don't know what American Exceptionalism is, then it is time to get educated!
What is very disturbing is that Mr. Janus reported that public sector unions kept violating the Janus v. AFSCME decision post the decision! 
(I watched only his personal statement up to about 30 minutes into the video and not the whole video)

Vernon Jones: Democrats ‘Infected’ with Pandemic of Intolerance, Socialism, Anti-Police Bias

Joseph Hiden is toast! The Dimocratic Party will most likely loose significant numbers of black votes!

Monday, August 24, 2020

NFL Player’s Patriotic, Pro Trump, Jaw Dropping Speech at the RNC Leaves Democrats SPEECHLESS

Joseph Hiden is toast! The Dimocratic Party will most likely loose significant numbers of black votes!

Trump touts FDA’s emergency authorization of convalescent plasma as historic breakthrough, but scientists are doubtful

The Washington Compost again! Will there ever be a cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome? Very doubtful!

Trump touts FDA’s emergency authorization of convalescent plasma as historic breakthrough, but scientists are doubtful - The Washington Post Experts say the blood product is probably beneficial but not a game changer.

Tierwohlabgabe würde Verbraucher 35 Euro im Jahr kosten

Noch mehr spezielle Steuern und Abgaben in Deutschland! Noch mehr Vorschriften! Was für ein Blödsinn!

Jede neue Abgabe ist eine willkommene Einladung für unsere vielen lebenslangen, inkompetenten Berufspolitiker neue Abgaben zu erfinden oder existierende Abgaben zu erhöhen.

Vielleicht sollten auch alle Haustierhalter (nicht nur Hundehalter) extra besteuert werden! Schließlich verursachen fast alle Haustiere zusätzliche Kosten für alle Bürger. Und nicht alle Haustierhalter sind dem Tierwohl freundlich gesinnt. (Vorsicht: Ironie!)

Tierwohlabgabe würde Verbraucher 35 Euro im Jahr kosten Für mehr Tierwohl hatte die Borchert-Kommission eine Abgabe auf tierische Produkte vorgeschlagen. Das Landwirtschaftsministerium hat nun berechnet, wie sich das im Portemonnaie der Verbraucher bemerkbar machen könnte.

The Causa Alexei Navalny

Revised: 9/3/2020

Why did Putin the Terrible even allow that the then very sick Navalny to leave Russia for Germany? Perhaps it was too late for Putin the Terrible to intervene and prevent this transfer?

Assuming the suspicion of poisoning of Alexei Navalny will be confirmed and further corroborated (as of 8/24/2020):

  1. Did Putin the Terrible murder another opponent as we remember e.g. the cruel poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko with Polonium?
  2. If Putin the Terrible is innocent in this case, he sure would be able to provide the public with pertinent information as to his murderers since Putin had Navalny most likely under close and continuous surveillance!
    Will Putin the Terrible have the courage to come forward with the truth wherever it may lead and improve thereby his deeply tarnished reputation? This is his chance! Hope springs eternal!
  3. At this time it certainly cannot be ruled out that Navalny was possibly murdered by opponents of him other than Putin the Terrible, possibly even by someone in the Russian opposition. A dead Navalny might be more useful as a martyr than alive. Possibly even opponents of Putin the Terrible in his inner circle are perhaps behind this crime 

Harvard Junk Science Study Claims High Pollution Levels Increase Deaths from COVID-19

Very nice and concise anatomy of how Harvard University produces junk science or shall we call it election campaign propaganda!

"... Political success was instantaneous. The Biden presidential campaign cited the conclusion in their climate and environmental justice materials

And Michael Bloomberg and former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy quickly wrote an opinion piece based on the study."

Cooler Heads Digest - May 8, 2020 Harvard Junk Science Study Claims High Pollution Levels Increase Deaths from COVID-19 by Myron Ebell

How Music Works With Howard Goodall

Howard Goodall is an excellent narrator! His choice of examples is delectable!

How Music Works with Howard Goodall - 02 - Rhythm

How Music Works: 04 Bass

Hektisches Rudern im Ibiza-Sumpf: Spiegel und Süddeutsche Zeitung in akuter Erklärungsnot

Die häufige manipulative Propaganda deutscher Leitmedien und ihr un­gebühr­licher Einfluss auf die öffentliche Meinung!

"Die Süddeutsche Zeitung und Der Spiegel veröffentlichten Auszüge, die zwei vermeintlich korrupte Politiker beim Einfädeln schmieriger Geschäfte zeigten. Jetzt gibt es eine neue Wendung. Die Tageszeitung OE24 hat eine 31 Seiten umfassende Transkription des Videos veröffentlicht, in dem die FPÖ-Politiker Heinz-Christian Strache und Johann Gudenus „sauber“ bleiben und nur „ganz gerade Geschichten“ machen wollen.  "

Hektisches Rudern im Ibiza-Sumpf: Spiegel und Süddeutsche Zeitung in akuter Erklärungsnot

The Canadian National Health-Care Scare

Recommendable! Government run health care is a lethal threat! Just look at Canada or even the United Kingdom!

If you are too old in Canada prepare to die, because necessary medical treatment will be denied based on your age unless you travel to the U.S.!

"Their single-payer system is characterized by long waits, equipment shortages, and expensive drugs."

The Canadian Health-Care Scare - Pacific Research Institute

Artificial spider web gets an ionic boost

Amazing stuff!

"Spider silk has a tensile strength five times higher than that of steel, and its stretchable threads boast an adhesive coating that enables spiders to capture and trap prey in their webs. This adhesive coating does have a down side, however, which is that it attracts contaminants from the environment, causing the webs’ capturing efficiency to deteriorate."

"An artificial material with the same elastic, adhesive, self-cleaning, sensing and tensile properties as natural spider silk has been created by researchers in South Korea. ... Their method involves applying static electricity to fibre-like strands of an ionically conducting and stretchable organogel, which is a semi-solid material made of gelling molecules in an organic solvent (in this case, covalently cross-liked polyacrylamide chains in ethylene glycol with dissolved lithium chloride). The strands of this organogel are then encapsulated with silicone rubber and coated with a hydrophobic perfluorinated compound to reduce their surface energy (and thus surface tension).

The researchers ... wove these composite fibres into structures that resemble natural spider webs. They found they could make the web strands electro-adhere to target objects made from metals, ceramics and polymers, thanks to the static electric field that arises between adjacent web strands when a high voltage is applied."

Artificial spider web gets an ionic boost – Physics World

Warsaw 1920: The Battle Lenin Lamented as “an Enormous Defeat” for Communist Russia

Very recommendable! I have to admit I did not know about this important historical event or had totally forgotten about it!

Did you know that the Polish people stopped the eastward expansion of Russian communism in 1920?

It always amazes me how brave the Polish people have been in history! Just a few examples Tadeusz Kościuszko, Leszek BalcerowiczLech Walesa

"Soviet victories in the summer of 1920 looked unstoppable, as Moscow’s Red Army pushed to within striking distance of the Polish capital. From August 12-25, the Battle of Warsaw raged. Foreign observers expected the imminent collapse of Poland. Then, the tactical brilliance of Pilsudski and his chief of staff Tadeusz Jordan-Rozwadowski plus the legendary courage of Polish fighters combined to produce what Poles call “the Miracle on the Vistula.” "

The Battle Lenin Lamented as “an Enormous Defeat” for Communist Russia - Foundation for Economic Education

BBC Documentary: The Secret of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

Very recommendable! Great documentary! Music by and commentary with John Eliot Gardiner using authentic period instruments.

The Real British Spies That Inspired James Bond

Very recommendable! Includes e.g. special operations in Europe and incredible propaganda efforts in the U.S. during WW II. Latter efforts remind us today that dictatorships like Russia, Iran, and China are probably successfully doing the same in our time.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

SHEIKHS, the PERSIAN GULF and the most EXPENSIVE ARMIES in the world

Very recommendable! Incredible! Like a story out of One Thousand and One Nights

Trump Announces Emergency Authorization of Coronavirus Treatment: Convalescent Plasma

Bravo Trump!

What the Main Stream Media Was Afraid to Tell You

Very recommendable! Covers a lot of good and disturbing stuff!

Khazars: The Most Prosperous Ancient Nation You’ve Probably Never Heard Of


"... Khazaria provided safe passage and imposed minimal taxation on traders, making the country one of the medieval world’s thriving commercial crossroads. The Arabs to the southwest highly prized Khazarian furs and clothing. The Khazars traded their own silver coins for mirrors from China. The game of chess likely originated in Khazaria, which exported it to Europe. Archeologists have found evidence that Khazarian traders journeyed as far as Sweden. A 10th-century geography book written in Persian, Hudud al-‘Alam (“The Regions of the World”) said of Khazaria, “This is a very pleasant and prosperous country with great riches.” ..."

The Most Prosperous Ancient Nation You’ve Never Heard Of - Foundation for Economic Education This country lasted over 300 years [650 to 965 AD] and covered more territory than all of Scandinavia.

About the HIV cure in the Sao Paulo Patient

I have little doubt that the cure for AIDS/HIV is practically achieved or will be achieved in the near future! If this treatment strategy was not yet ultimately successful, successor treatments will be even better!

OK, some doubts linger: " ... But he [clinical investigator running the study that includes the Sao Paulo patient] notes his team has not sampled the man’s lymph nodes or gut for the virus since he stopped treatment. ... Only two people are known to have been cured of their HIV infections: Timothy Ray Brown and a man who has asked to be referred to as the London Patient; both received bone marrow transplants [a very different treatment than the Sao Paulo patient] as part of a treatment for cancers."

Keep in mind that the study presented here had only five patients receiving the same treatment:

"To compare different reservoir-clearing strategies, Diaz and colleagues in 2015 recruited the São Paulo Patient and other individuals who had controlled their HIV infections with ARVs. The most aggressive approach, used in this man and four others, added two ARVs to the three they were already taking, in the hope this would rout out any HIV that might have dodged the standard treatment. On top of this “intensification,” the study group received nicotinamide, which can, in theory, prod infected cells to “wake up” the latent virus. When those cells make new HIV, they either self-destruct or are vulnerable to immune attack.

After 48 weeks on this intensified schedule, the five trial participants returned to their regular three-drug regimen for 3 years, after which they stopped all treatment. Four saw the virus quickly return, but the São Paulo Patient has now gone 66 weeks without signs of being infected."

An intriguing—but far from proven—HIV cure in the ‘São Paulo Patient’ | Science | AAAS A 36-year-old man in Brazil has seemingly cleared an HIV infection—making him the proof of principle in humans of a novel drug strategy designed to flush the AIDS virus out of all of its reservoirs in the body. After receiving an especially aggressive combination of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs and nicotinamide (vitamin B3), the ... Sao Paulo Patient t ... went off all HIV treatment in March 2019 and has not had the virus return to his blood.

Notes on The future of transatlanticism is up to Europe by Sigmar Gabriel

I never thought very much of this typical uninspiring lifelong career politician Sigmar Gabriel! This article, which appeared also in leftist Project Syndicate, is quite shallow and foolish for a former German Minister of Foreign Affairs!

"Politicians who don’t know what to do when confronted with new or difficult circumstances often resort to empty phrases. This certainly appears to be the case for Europe and its changing relations with the United States."

At least Gabriel got the introduction to his article right! From then on it goes rather downhill.

"Fortunately, given the geopolitical dynamics of the 21st century, even the US will soon realise that going it alone is a dangerous game. Global threats like climate change, nuclear proliferation and pandemics can be tackled only collectively, and the need for a strong transatlantic partnership will become obvious as these issues come to the fore. But renewing the relationship will be possible only if Europe is united on key issues. An internally divided EU can’t be a serious partner to anyone."

Really! Global Warming is a hoax! The U.S. is not going it alone, what a nonsense! Gabriel is dreaming of the hegemon EU ignoring the strength of federalism and European history!

The future of transatlanticism is up to Europe | The Strategist

Zuckermoleküle unter der Lupe: Die unerforschte Welt der Polysaccharide

Empfehlenswert! Endlich werden auch die Polysaccharide mehr intensiv erforscht. Das ist wohl schon lange überfällig! Klingt vielversprechend und lässt die Entdeckung wichtiger Resultate etc. in der Zukunft erwarten.

"... Denn alle Körperzellen, Bakterien und auch Viren tragen auf ihrer Oberfläche eine Art Zuckerpelz. Mit dessen Hilfe können die Zellen kommunizieren oder Krankheitserreger erkennen. ...Lange Zeit waren die Polymere auf Zuckerbasis, auch Glykane genannt, eine Art Stiefkinder der Forschung. Denn es fehlte an Verfahren, um die komplexen Moleküle effizient herstellen und untersuchen zu können. Doch die Glykanforschung nimmt Fahrt auf. So haben Forscher des Max-Planck-Instituts für Festkörperforschung in Stuttgart sowie des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung in Potsdam-Golm eine Technik entwickelt, mit der sich die räumliche Struktur von Polysacchariden herausfinden lässt. ... Zudem besteht die Erbsubstanz aus gerade einmal vier verschiedenen Bausteinen, und lediglich 22 Aminosäuren sind ausreichend, um sämtliche Proteine zu bilden. Bei Polysacchariden ist die Lage wesentlich komplexer: Sie enthalten Hunderte von Bausteinen, und die Ketten sind oftmals verzweigt. Doch auch für die Polymere auf Zuckerbasis werden immer mehr Werkzeuge verfügbar."

"... Here we show direct imaging of single glycan molecules that are isolated by mass-selective, soft-landing electrospray ion beam deposition and imaged by low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy10. The sub-nanometre resolution of the technique enables the visualization of glycan connectivity and discrimination between regioisomers. Direct glycan imaging is an important step towards a better understanding of the structure of carbohydrates."

Zuckermoleküle unter der Lupe: Die unerforschte Welt der Polysaccharide Trotz ihrer Bedeutung wurden die Polymere des Zuckers in der Forschung lange wie Stiefkinder behandelt. Doch das ändert sich gerade. So ist es Max-Planck-Forschern gelungen, die strukturelle Vielfalt der Polysaccharide zu enthüllen.

Hier ist der Link zum diesbezüglichen Nature paper (der Artikel PDF ist sogar kostenlos):

Imaging single glycans

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mitglieder der Europäischen Union: Hoch verschuldet bei der EZB

Sehr empfehlenswert und sehr bedenklich!

Diese eine Grafik illustriert sehr deutlich, wie die Mitgliedsländer (insbesondere auch Deutschland) der EU das Maastricht Abkommen von 1992 seit zu vielen Jahren schwer verletzen und grob missachten!

Grafik: Verschuldet bei der Notenpresse

Prospects for game-changers in submarine-detection technology

Very recommendable! Very comprehensive, but succinct!

The situation:

"Anti-submarine warfare (ASW) has always been a game of hide and seek, with adversarial states looking to adopt and deploy emerging technologies in submarine stealth or detection to give them the strategic edge. The advantage has shifted back and forth, but, on the whole, it has proved easier to hide a submarine than find one: the oceans are wide, deep, dark, noisy, irregular and cluttered. ... Several articles and studies in recent years have revisited the survivability of SSBNs, for which game-changers would perhaps have the greatest consequences for international security. As Norman Friedman notes, ‘strategic submarines seem to be key to strategic stability’, providing what is generally believed to be the most survivable nuclear second-strike force."

Latest developments and game changers:

"ASW traditionally relies on a limited number of costly manned platforms such as attack submarines (SSNs and SSKs), frigates and maritime patrol aircraft fitted with a variety of sensors. Today, there’s evidence of a move away from this model towards unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) fitted with equivalent sensors, which are more expendable and are becoming cheaper to develop, produce, modify and deploy at scale. ... Whereas the new US FFG(X) frigate costs a sizeable US$1 billion per ship, MDUSV platforms are reported to cost only US$20 million each and so could conceivably be produced at scale to autonomously or semi-autonomously seek and trail submarines. ... However, the range of signals may grow as sensor resolution, processing power and machine autonomy reach the necessary thresholds to reliably separate other, ‘quieter’ kinds of signal. As Bryan Clark notes, ‘While the physics behind most [non-acoustic detection] techniques has been known for decades, they have not been exploitable until very recently because computer processors were too slow to run the detailed models needed to see small changes in the environment caused by a quiet submarine.’ However, he adds there’s now ‘the capability to run sophisticated oceanographic models in real time’."

I have just seen an article discussing China's latest use of swarm USVs

Prospects for game-changers in submarine-detection technology | The Strategist

Autonomous vehicles should benefit those with disabilities, but progress remains slow

One more good reason to accelerate and advance autonomous passenger vehicles!

"Driverless car technology promises to remove barriers to personal transportation, but few self-driving operators have made headway on solutions for customers with mobility, vision, and hearing impairments, including seniors and those with chronic health conditions."

Autonomous vehicles should benefit those with disabilities, but progress remains slow | VentureBeat

A Critical Assessment of Canada’s Official Poverty Line

Recommendable! Not only Canada suffers from these controversial policies, other Western countries (e.g. Germany) make the same mistakes.

The concept of measuring poverty in a society is closely related to other concepts such as the popular unconditional, guaranteed universal basic income for everyone. 

Populist politicians would do everything to raise the poverty level or the basic income to buy votes and create dependency on government! However, who is paying for these lavish government handouts?

Big Government politicians favor these concepts too! Both give them ultimate control and power over who receives what! They will be seen and praised as benefactors!

There are many other ways the poor can be helped! Easing barriers to entry into the economy (e.g. business and professional licensure). Increasing competition to lower prices of goods and services, medical services and medications, housing and much more would also go long way to reduce poverty!

"The more important concern with the MBM as our official measure of poverty is conceptual. By choosing to define poverty as a condition in which a person is unable to acquire a living standard needed to integrate and participate in society, the government has rendered poverty unmeasurable."

A Critical Assessment of Canada’s Official Poverty Line | Fraser Institute

Friday, August 21, 2020

iFarm Raises $4 million to automate urban vertical farming with AI and drones

The next revolution in agriculture is in the making!

"The Finnish startup has developed a vertical agricultural system called iFarm Growtune. By growing food closer to consumers and in spaces where conditions can be carefully controlled, iFarm promises to produce food that is fresher while reducing environmental impact."

iFarm Raises $4 million to automate urban farming with AI and drones | VentureBeat

Kamala Harris will speak to Jewish community in virtual campaign event

Mistress Kamala's Jewish husband is probably one of the most important reasons why Joseph Hiden chose her as running mate. The Dimocrats fear loosing a significant number of Jewish votes to Trump. I have blogged here about that already on 8/14/2020.

Kamala Harris will speak to Jewish community in virtual campaign event - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

PBS Frontline: Supreme Revenge

Recommendable! Watch how Dimocratic Senators Mistress Kamala & Biden sabotaged Supreme Court nominees Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas & Brett Kavanaugh! Christine Blasey Ford and Anita Hill were most likely shameful and largely phony accusations!

The conclusion of this leftist propaganda film that we live now with a McConnell court is utterly ludicrous as evidenced by the latest SCOTUS decisions or when Chief Justice Roberts defended the unconstitutional Obamacare!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Mongol Army: How it All Started

Very recommendable! These nomads were very skilled ...

Feindbild Wissenschaft - Der Fall des Professor Ulrich Kutschera

Sehr empfehlenswert! Stimme nicht mit allem überein was dieser Professor zu sagen hat. Aber diese Anklage wegen Volksverhetzung ist unglaublich!

Closest Known Asteroid to Fly By Earth on 8/16/2020

That was a near miss! Would the asteroid have completely burnt up in earth's atmosphere? How many close by flights do we miss?

This asteroid was discovered by human researchers in India and Taiwan scanning that day's images. High time to employ computer vision and machine learning to do this automatically.

"On August 16, the ... Palomar Observatory ... spotted an asteroid that had, just hours earlier, traveled only 1,830 miles (2,950 kilometers) above Earth's surface. The previous known record-holder is asteroid 2011 CQ1, discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey in 2011, which passed above Earth about 1,550 miles (2,500 kilometers) higher than 2020 QG. Asteroid 2020 QG is about 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters) across, or roughly the size of an SUV, so it was not big enough to do any damage even if it had been pointed at Earth; instead, it would have burned up in our planet's atmosphere. ... Asteroid 2020 QG was identified by Kunal Deshmukh, a student at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Deshmukh had been scanning that day's images along with Kritti Sharma, also at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, and Chen-Yen Hsu at National Central University in Taiwan."

ZTF Finds Closest Known Asteroid to Fly By Earth |

Machine Learning Helps Robot Swarms Coordinate

Recommendable! Interesting research!

"[researchers] developed a multi-robot motion-planning algorithm called "Global-to-Local Safe Autonomy Synthesis," or GLAS, which imitates a complete-information planner with only local information, and "Neural-Swarm," a swarm-tracking controller augmented to learn complex aerodynamic interactions in close-proximity flight."

Machine Learning Helps Robot Swarms Coordinate | Engineers at Caltech have designed a new data-driven method to control the movement of multiple robots through cluttered, unmapped spaces, so they do not run into one another.

Deutschland: Schulen und Schüler hinken in der Digitalisierung hinterher

Privatisiert endlich die Schulausbildung unserer Kinder und Jugendlichen! Die SED Kanzlerin Merkel hat den Rückschritt Deutschland's forciert. Rücktritt bitte sofort!

"... ICILS und andere Studien zeigen auch: Die Schulen sind nicht gut für digitalen Unterricht vorbereitet. Es fehlt an Hardware, Software und an der Weiterbildung der Lehrkräfte. ..."

Schulen und Schüler hinken hinterher - Deutschlands Schülerinnen und Schüler erreichen in Sachen digitale Kompetenz international nur Mittelmaß – und auch die Schulen müssen ihre Hausaufgaben noch machen. Daher ist ein umfangreiches Maßnahmenbündel nötig.

Unmanned Traffic Management patents advance PrecisionHawk push for unified air traffic control

Recommendable! Good news!

UTM patents advance PrecisionHawk push for unified air traffic control One of the barriers to beyond visual line-of-sight drone operations has been the need for safety measures. PrecisionHawk Inc. last week announced that it has received two patents for unmanned aircraft traffic management, or UTM, technologies. The “Automated Unmanned Air Traffic Control System” includes the transmission of real-time flight data from drones to a UTM server before and during flights. The system will help drones avoid collisions with manned aircraft, similar to how human controllers manage air traffic today, said the company.

Bundesverfassungsgericht: Deutschland muss Windpark-Entwickler teilweise entschädigen

Die Fantasie und der Wahnsinn der Energiewende. Einer der vielen schweren Fehler der SED Kanzlerin Merkel!

Deutschland muss Windpark-Entwickler teilweise entschädigen Mit dem Windenergie-auf-See-Gesetz wurden etliche Investitionen in Windpark-Projekte auf der Nordsee plötzlich wertlos. Dafür steht den Entwicklern nach einer Gerichtsentscheidung eine Entschädigung zu, wenn ihre Vorarbeiten weiter verwertet werden können.

Licht und Schatten der planlosen Einwanderung unter Merkel

Die planlose und chaotische Masseneinwanderung in 2015 war einer von vielen schweren Fehlern der SED Kanzlerin Merkel! Dann ist die SED Kanzlerin auch noch mitverantwortlich für das 2014 eingeführte, verfassungswidrige Mindestlohngesetz, das Einstellung verhindert!

Dazu kommen dann noch die vielen, grenzlosen Einwanderer aus den armen Ländern der EU ...

"Am Mittwoch dieser Woche hat das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaft in Berlin Zahlen vorgelegt. Fünf Jahre nach dem Flüchtlingssommer 2015 sind 43 Prozent der Neubürger demnach inzwischen in Voll- oder Teilzeitbeschäftigung, selbständig, in Ausbildung oder Praktikum. Man könnte jetzt kritisch sehen, dass das im Kehrschluss heißt, dass das bei 57 Prozent nach fünf Jahren demnach immer noch nicht der Fall ist."

Islamistischer Anschlag auf Berliner A100 - Licht und Schatten an einem Tag | Cicero Online

Tucker: The DNC that Democrats don't want you to see

Tucker Carlson is getting better every night! It is far beyond incredible what the Democratic National Convention 2020 is about! A convention of lunatics, womanizers, and Luddites joined in socialism!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

I Am Joe Biden's Husband, says Joe!

Joseph Hiden is finished! Finito! This is it! Incredible! His wife's first name is Jill not Joe! His wife's speech at the Democratic National Convention was causing hypersomnia!

George Floyd Case with Kara Mckinney

Very recommendable! 

Will the involved police officers face a fair trial? Quite possibly not! 

Will the jurors of this trial feel intimidated by mob violence? Quite possibly yes! 

Potential juror candidates will probably try their best to avoid having to participate in this trial.

This is how bad the situation is!

A single molecule may bring solitary locusts together into swarms

Very recommendable! Very good news!

A single molecule may bring solitary locusts together into swarms | Science News The compound emitted by the insects could lead to new pest control measures

Klimawandel in der Ostsee: Heißzeit für Miesmuscheln und Seesterne

Eher ein Fall von miesem, einseitigem Journalismus! Ist das wirklich der Grund? Oder ist es vielleicht Überfischung? Krankheitserreger? Natürliche Schwankungen der Populationszahlen, Nahrung usw.?

Wie lange dauert es bis sich Miesmuscheln an wärmeres Wasser anpassen? Nicht erwähnt in dem Artikel! Es gibt seit Jahrzehnten viele wissenschaftliche Hinweise, dass Tiere sich sehr wohl in sehr kurzer Zeit an veraenderte Umweltbedingungen anpassen können. 

Klimawandel in der Ostsee: Heißzeit für Miesmuscheln und Seesterne Unter der Erwärmung der Ostsee im Zuge des Klimawandels leiden besonders Miesmuscheln und deren Räuber, die Seesterne. Letztere treffen bei höheren Wassertemperaturen immer häufiger auf magere Beute.

Inside NSO, Israel’s billion-dollar Pegasus spyware giant

MIT Technology Review indiscriminately demonizes Israeli company! Is this just another case of journalistic alarmism and sensationalism? Probably, yes! Or is it just another nod to the BSD (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel) movement? Possible! What about thinly veiled antisemitism expressed by MIT Technology Review? Don't dismiss it! 

As far as Western democracies are concerned there are checks and controls in place. Second, I don't believe the company is so crazy to sell this software to anyone. Third, I also believe the Israeli government is not sitting idly by!

"Spyware for sale: Pegasus is the blockbuster product of NSO Group, a secretive billion-dollar Israeli surveillance company. It is sold to law enforcement and intelligence agencies around the world, which use the company’s tools to choose a human target, infect the person’s phone with the spyware, and then take over the device. Once Pegasus is on your phone, it is no longer your phone. ... But there is a long list of incidents in which Pegasus has been used as a tool of oppression. It has been linked to cases including the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the targeting of scientists and campaigners pushing for political reform in Mexico, and Spanish government surveillance of Catalan separatist politicians. NSO insists that the vast majority of its customers are European democracies, although since it doesn’t release client lists and the countries themselves remain silent, that has never been verified. ..."

Inside NSO, Israel’s billion-dollar spyware giant (MIT Technology Review. The Download 8/19/2020)

Casualties mount despite international cluster munitions ban adopted in 2010

Very serious and tragic stuff!

"... This month marks the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on Cluster Munitions, which came into force in August 2010. ... Since then, 108 countries have joined this important humanitarian treaty, which comprehensively bans the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of these weapons. Countries that have joined the convention have committed to destroying their stockpiles, clearing contaminated areas and supporting the victims of cluster munitions. ... Despite these successes, scores of people continue to be killed and injured every year. In recent years, the use of cluster munitions has been reported in Syria, Yemen and Libya, but other countries have also been affected, and it’s civilians who continue to bear the brunt of their devastating effects."

Casualties mount despite cluster munitions ban | The Strategist

The Facade of Environmentalism is Falling

Recommendable! This is a review article of several recent books and videos debunking environmentalism and attendant alarmism!

Environmentalists in their dogmatic fanaticism and with their myopic and medieval  superstitious views deny 2-3 billion humans cheap and reliable energy supply!

Covered in this article are following works:

  1. "Bjorn Lomborg, “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet”"
  2. "Michael Shellenberger, “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All”"
  3. "Robert Bryce, “Juice: How Electricity Explains the World”"
  4. "Jeff Gibbs, “Planet of the Humans”" (Executive producer Michael Mann)

"Ultimately people [across the world and, in particular, 2-3 billion people in developing countries] have every reason to demand access to [cheap and reliable] energy that will help them live clean, healthy, productive lives, and they will resist politicians or groups that keep them from accessing it. And they will reward those who help them obtain it.

The creators of these four works make a compelling case: Access to reliable, affordable electricity allows you to live life as a modern human being."

The Façade is Falling – Mackinac Center Environmental researchers and activists are rebelling