Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Germany Needs A Trump

Posted: 2/11/2020

German politics suffers from many ailments (incomplete enumeration):
  1. A 4th term socialist chancellor, who made so many grave mistakes and who steadfastly refuses to quit although her time has long passed! Germany urgently needs term limits for high political offices
  2. Most leading politicians in Germany are lifetime career politicians with no or little real world experience. This sorry state now has been observed for several decades!
  3. Germany is an extreme high taxation country (e.g. VAT alone is 19%; payroll taxes are in excess of 19%; a solidarity surcharge of 5.5% since 1991)
  4. Germany is heavily overregulated
  5. Socialist central planning has become a driving force in Germany since the iron curtain fell (what an irony) affecting major industries such as energy, automotive etc.
  6. The widespread obsession with the Global Warming hoax in Germany has reached levels of hysteria and pseudo religious fanaticism that make the superstition of the Medieval Ages pale in comparison

There are very few promising and suitable candidates for chancellor in Germany at this time among them Jörg Meuthen oder Alice Weidel of the much maligned new political force in Germany, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland).

Will an outsider like Trump step up in Germany and shake up the severely ossified system! A breath of fresh air please!

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