Saturday, February 15, 2020

Climate Science does about-face, dials back 'worst-case scenario' - American Thinker

The relied upon climate models are largely junk! We still know very little about climate, atmosphere, oceans etc. It's a pretense of knowledge and an instrument of propaganda! We cannot even forecast weather accurately for more than 24 hours or so (hint climate and weather models are very similar in complexity etc.)

"In the original scientific paper, RCP8.5 [the worst-case scenario model, RCP8.5, had been cited more than 2,500 times in scientific journals and in hundreds of media stories] had just a slim 3-percent chance of becoming reality.  Since climate alarmists (and some climate scientists) prefer to preach future doom to spur action, the predictions of RCP8.5 have become known as the "business-as-usual" scenario, even though it was nowhere close to that. ... The model assumes a 500-percent increase in the use of coal, which is now considered highly unlikely"

Climate Science does about-face, dials back 'worst-case scenario' - American Thinker: A comment published last week in Nature, a leading scientific journal, has thrown a monkey wrench into hundreds of studies and media stories that previously predicted dire climate consequences in the future due to increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in ou...

Emissions – the ‘business as usual’ story is misleading Stop using the worst-case scenario for climate warming as the most likely outcome — more-realistic baselines make for better policy. (Nature journal comment, 1/29/2020)

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