Saturday, April 22, 2017

Terrorist Bomb Attack For Greed In Germany

Posted: 4/22/2017

Brief Background

On April 11, 2017, three bombs loaded with nails detonated almost simultaneously at the roadside targeting a coach bus driving by. The bombs were remotely triggered.

The bus was carrying the team members and staff of a major league German soccer team (Borussia Dortmund). Fortunately, little harm was done due to technical mistakes made by the perpetrator. Three letters were left behind to suggest that this terror attack was of Islamist origin.


German police on or about 4/20/2017 arrested the suspect, an electrical technician with Russian background.

The police investigation into this crime revealed:
  1. The suspect planned his crime meticulously in every detail and purchased 15,000 put options on the major league’s team stocks. He was expecting to make a million Euros or more profit from his attack, the more soccer players etc. were injured or killed (This major league soccer team is the only German team listed on the stock exchange).
  2. The three bombs were expertly built
  3. The three letters and the particular target gave away the first hints to the police that this was not a typical Islamist terrorist attack.

Fortunately, even a very clever criminal is not a genius and makes plenty of mistakes.

Lessons Learnt

To disguise a crime for profit as an Islamist terrorist attack is quite a new and worrisome phenomenon. This time, the criminal was in some respects a dilettante, but next time?

More common are, of course, throughout history, fake terrorist attacks with lots of victims for political purposes. Like e.g. Putin the Terrible has demonstrated according to various reports.


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