Saturday, April 22, 2017

Huge Taboo Of Female On Male Domestic Violence

Posted: 4/22/2017

Women Are Not Angels

Anyone, who believes women are angels or that women are so much more merciful and caring is seriously mistaken! I have previously blogged about this subject of violent women e.g. here.


Underreporting Probably Rampant

In the above article, we learn that in 2015 about 23,000 men in Germany alone were suffering from domestic violence inflicted on them by their female partners as reported. I was totally stunned to read that. Not only that, some of these attacks by women on their male partners are quite vicious and bloody requiring sometimes a hospital visit.

The above article describes:

  1. Out of fear, many male victims are very reluctant to come forward, seek help, or report their suffering. Significant numbers of the male victims become depressive etc.
  2. Many of the male victims do not fight back even they are often physically much stronger than the female aggressor. They act out of chivalry or because they do not want to hurt their partner despite the violent attack
  3. Many of the male victims are just too shy or introvert, some of them still love their partners and have difficulties to separate etc. Other men, who learn of the suffering of someone they know, are dismissive or make fun of the victim etc.
  4. Frequently these violent relationships go on for years
  5. When police officers are called by male victim, they would often remove the male victim from the home not the female perpetrator despite visible signs of violence and despite the male victims reporting the violence committed against them

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