Saturday, April 29, 2017

On The Many Flaws Of Constitutional Democracy

Posted: 4/29/2017

Talking about the tyranny of the majority in a democracy to freely borrow this famous phrase from Alexis de Tocqueville. Majority in a democracy means 51% can tell the other 49% what they have to do and what they cannot do and the 51% does it all the time.

On the many flaws of constitutional democracy:

  1. Let’s be bluntly honest, often democracy is not much better than mob rule, just a bit more civilized
  2. The ever expanding power & control of an incessantly larger central government
  3. The separation of the three branches of government is not seldom a fancy fiction. Too often judges are only too willing to accommodate the policies of the other two branches and to conspire against individual freedom
  4. The ceaselessly growing number of laws & government regulations affecting every aspect of our lives are slowly strangulating individual liberty and businesses
  5. The ever expanding welfare state (universal, unconditional basic income for everyone is only the latest iteration). This is frequently not much more than outright vote buying!
  6. Elites of lifelong, career politicians dominate government and parliaments
  7. Western constitutions & democracy offer way too few and way too ineffective safeguards to protect individual liberty (Friedrich Hayek's The Constitution of Liberty, Chap. 14, is entitled "The Safeguards of Individual Liberty). Something to be keenly aware of, every minute of your life!

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