Monday, April 24, 2017

The European Union Has Failed

Posted: 4/24/2017

This will be a concise, brief post!

The European Union has failed, because:

  1. The believe an ever larger European Union (United States of Europe) could become a countervailing power to the U.S. was misguided and delusional from the beginning
  2. The super fast enlargement to 28 countries over a span of few decades was daring
  3. Too many major European agreements were seriously violated in order to continue and without repercussions and regret
  4. The monetary union and single market was imposed irresponsibly
  5. The once so much heralded subsidiarity principles was recklessly abandoned
  6. Countries that do not play along have been either bullied or receive vast amounts of money
  7. The heavy handed top down approach to form a unitary superstate has reached its limits
  8. Historically, the Europe was special because of its enormous variety and the many competing powers from city states to nation states. This important lesson was ignored
  9. What did I forget?

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