Friday, April 21, 2017

The Miracle Naked Mole Rat

Posted: 4/21/2017


The Miracles Of Live & Nature

Would you not like to be like a mole rat or have some of its benefits?

The miracles of mole rates are:
  1. Extreme longevity. A mole rat lives up to 30 years or about 10 times longer than comparable rodents
  2. They are highly resistant to cancer
  3. They lack pain sensitivity in its skin
  4. They have very low metabolic and respiratory rates
  5. The only known mammal to use suspended animation to survive periods of oxygen deprivation (subject of the above article). Their brain cells start burning fructose, which produces energy anaerobically through a metabolic pathway that is only used by plants. The fructose was transported into brain cells by molecular fructose pumps that in all other mammals are found only on cells of the intestine

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