Saturday, December 28, 2013

Gender Quotas For Men


Please do not get me wrong! I am an opponent of any government interventions like imposing gender quotas of any kind.

I am not advocating a tit for tat here!


I just read an article “«Männerquoten für Hebammen?!»” (German language) in the leading Swiss newspaper. It is actually an article about opinion polls, but the title of this article intrigued me. The opinion poll came to the conclusion that gender equality at any price is not so desirable.

I take from this article that is perhaps helpful to see what happens if typical female professions would be selected by government to apply gender quotas to promote more men in those professions.

You Got To Love The Swiss

The Swiss are sometimes so right on to something in their pragmatic ways. Often we learn so much from such small, peculiar populations and cultures like the Swiss.

Male Midwives?

How about a 30% quota of male midwives anyone?

Male Nurses?

How about a 45% quota for male nurses in every hospital, nursing home, or hospice etc.?

Male Singers On Female Choirs?

How about a gender quota for males singing with female choirs? I certainly would like that. :-)

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