Saturday, December 14, 2013

Amazon Germany Fights Labor Unions And Negative Propaganda


The chief executive officer of (i.e. Ralf Kleber; the last name which means glue) gave recently an interview titled “Interview mit Deutschlandchef Ralf Kleber/’Amazon ist nicht asozial’”.

In Germany, Amazon has to contend with the typical German perception that its business is “asozial” (asocial, translation is difficult, but it means not in the common good, egoistic, self-centered etc.) . Jobs offered by Amazon are perceived in Germany as akin to those offered by sweatshops.

Resistance To Labor Unions

Amazon is to be congratulated that it is making the tremendous effort to resist powerful German labor unions. It is certainly a difficult battle for Amazon against these entrenched, powerful organized interests.

About The Interview

Mr. Kleber points out that the new business of online retail upsets or is disruptive to historical structures and businesses.

He reminds his audience that many false propaganda was launched against Amazon.

Echoing his boss, Mr. Jeff Bezos, pioneers will encounter resistance and engender misunderstandings. pays Euro 9.55 minimum plus other perks including shares. has created new seasonal jobs for construction workers etc.

Instead of labor unions, prefers to cooperate with so called work councils (Betriebsrat, a special German labor law provision to allow workers/employees to have a say like corporate boards).

Mr. Kleber voices that the German anti-competitive authorities and regulations are outdated, which is probably true.

Mr. Kleber is particularly proud of creating new jobs in regions of Germany, which are laggards in economic development.

In Germany, the retail in books is a holy cow which has been protected by government and publishers since World War II by outdated price controls and other restrictions. Amazon is a long overdue and welcome challenge to this cozy market.

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