Sunday, December 08, 2013

Accelerating Decay Of Knowledge


This article will be kept very short for now, but it kind of summarizes from memory what I have read in the recent past.

This blog post is more of a thought provoking kind and to make a wider audience aware of it.

Perhaps, the term accelerating decay of knowledge is wrong or misleading, but for lack of a better term ...

Learnt Yesterday, Obsolete Tomorrow

It has been repeatedly reported and, I believe, books have been written about it.

What current or previous generations learnt in School about science and technology has been dramatically updated or even falsified.

For that reason alone, lifelong learning is not just a marketing slogan, but should be encouraged in humans of any age.

Constant unlearning and relearning are required to keep up. Our brains will be busier than ever before.


The mirror image of this process is the exponential progress of science and technology. I wrote about it here.

Previous Revolutions Pale

Previous revolutions (agriculture, written language, book printing etc.) in human progress were precursors and necessary, but they pale compared what is before us.

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