Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Nuclear Fusion Energy: Powering a Solution for Climate Change

The Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion may drive major advances in and may accelerate the development of nuclear fusion energy.  Wrong reason, but desired outcome!

Bringing the power of the sun down to earth! This would certainly outshine landing the first man on the moon. By the way, fluctuations in the output of the sun are maybe the most likely cause for climate change!

Will the private sector finally accomplish what academia could not in decades of effort?

Will AI make the difference! I bet!

"To achieve net zero over the coming decades, the global energy system will need a complete transformation. Recent progress in fusion energy, the energy released when hydrgen atoms combine under intense heat and pressure, has drummed up excitement for the technology as an abundant, reliable, and emissions-free source of power that could effectively tackle the climate crisis [???]. ...

Just two years ago, a research team in California conducted the first-ever controlled fusion experiment that generated more energy than it consumed. “... the public has underrated the level of progress that's happened in this field,” ... “There are certain technical gaps we know we need to close, but the more investment that we get now, the faster those gaps get closed.” "

"... Fusion energy releases no greenhouse gasses [???] ..." Really! Why do even elite universities like Columbia University repeat such demagoguery and nonsense!

"... “There has been a real explosion of private fusion startups in the last several years, and they're really taking the baton to advance the technology towards commercialization,” ... “The fusion ecosystem has traditionally been very dominated by the national laboratory complex, where things have been done in the public sector space, and now we have a lot more private sector actors that are able to go faster and take more risks.”  ...

About 45 companies are actively working on commercializing fusion energy, including Commonwealth Fusion Systems, Tokamak Energy, Realta Fusion, and Type One Energy. ... that universities like Columbia have an essential role to play in helping industry partners succeed by lending expertise and guiding research and development. ..."

Fusion Energy: Powering a Solution for Climate Change | Columbia Engineering "Collaboration between industry and academia can help accelerate breakthroughs in nuclear fusion in efforts to halt climate change."

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