Wednesday, October 19, 2022

With This Bionic Nose, COVID Survivors May Smell the Roses Again

And when will I get a dog nose?

"... the e-nose sensor transmits its signal to a small array of electrodes taken from a cochlear implant. ...
Anosmia, or the inability to smell, can be caused not only by head injuries but also by exposure to certain toxins and by a variety of medical problems—including tumors, Alzheimer’s, and viral diseases, such as COVID. The sense of smell also commonly atrophies with age; in a 2012 study in which more than 1,200 adults were given olfactory exams, 39 percent of participants age 80 and above had olfactory dysfunction. ..."

With This Bionic Nose, COVID Survivors May Smell the Roses Again - IEEE Spectrum A decades-long quest pairs an e-nose with a brain implant

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