Friday, October 14, 2022

Video from Jan. 6 shows Pelosi vow to 'punch out' Trump, we are waiting for this trespassing on the capitol gounds

I have blogged here several times that 82 year old Nancy Pelosi is nutty and bizarre for some time. Did she not also tear the print copy of the State of the Union speech apart in the U.S. Capitol while Trump was speaking?

The Speaker of the House's obvious Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious and appalling matter! It is totally unbecoming for this high office!

Her cognitive abilities are not far behind those of the demented and senile 46th President!

It is absolutely unfathomable, why the Dimocratic Party has not long fired or retired this woman so she can play with her grand children.

Video from Jan. 6 shows Pelosi vow to 'punch out' Trump

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