Tuesday, October 18, 2022

UN: Killings and detentions of children in Iran must end. At least 23 children killed

A sort of when the revolution devours its own children! The dictatorship is clearly going too far in Iran!

The Middle East and the World would be a better place without the militant theocracy in Iran!

"As the number of children reportedly killed by Iranian security forces in relation to ongoing protests rises to at least 23, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued a statement on Monday condemning the killings, noting that hundreds more have been injured, detained and tortured during the Government crackdown. ...
Among the dead are a boy aged 11, and according to reliable witnesses, some children were shot with live ammunition, while others died after being beaten.
Many families reported that, despite grieving for the loss of a child, they were pressured to absolve security forces by declaring that their children had committed suicide and making false confessions”, said the statement. ...
The Ministry of Education announced last week that children arrested were being transferred to psychological centres “for correction and education to prevent them from becoming anti-social characters” ..."

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