Thursday, October 13, 2022

Trump Threatened to Out Confidential Sources from Russia Investigation. Too bad he didn't!

Too bad that President Trump, for whatever reasons, did not expose those who were behind the fabricated scandals etc. that were much worse and more sophisticated than Watergate ever was! It was a coup d'etat attempt against a sitting president by the Swamp!

Lot of these perpetrators should be long behind bars like Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, CIA directors and others!

"Exclusive: Trump Threatened to Out Confidential Sources From Russia Investigation
The former president is still itching to compromise the intelligence sources he blames for the investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 campaign
DONALD TRUMP IN the final days of his presidency repeatedly threatened to out government sources involved in the Trump-Russia investigation, an anti-Deep State revenge fantasy he still obsesses over to this day, according to two former senior Trump aides and another person familiar with the matter. ..."

Trump Threatened to Out Confidential Sources from Russia Investigation – Rolling Stone

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