Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The world’s largest atmospheric carbon dioxide removal project in Wyoming is coming

Why try to force expensive decarbonization of businesses when you can remove CO2 from the air? What is it now? Both?

Why waste so much taxpayers money on removing a life essential trace gas from the air? This is a boondoggle of gigantic proportions!

Plant more trees! This is much cheaper! Build more nuclear power plants etc.!

The world is witnessing the greatest scam of our time! Insanity combined with big business! Global Warming is a hoax and Climate Change is a religion!

P.S. I just realized that I blogged about this same project already in September here. It looks like the media are not getting tired to report about it.

"The world’s largest carbon capture and storage plant is expected to be operational by late next year, launched by the US climate tech companies CarbonCapture in California and Frontier Carbon Solutions. The companies anticipate that the new facility in Wyoming will be able to remove 5 million tonnes of atmospheric carbon dioxide annually by 2030. ..."

The world’s largest atmospheric carbon dioxide removal project is coming | News | Chemistry World Direct air capture plant in Wyoming set to begin running by late 2023, remove of 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air annually by 2030

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