Friday, October 14, 2022

The Ute Indian Tribe calls Biden’s newest national monument in Colorado an ‘unlawful act of genocide’

The Dimocratic Party and its demented and senile 46th President pretend to be the party of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion!

The power or U.S. Presidents to designate National Monuments under the Antiquities Act should be curtailed! It long overdue! Too many U.S. Presidents abuse this power for their fame and glory!

"Leaders of the Ute Indian Tribe blasted President Joe Biden for designating Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument in Colorado on Wednesday without sufficient tribal consultation, calling Biden’s action “an unlawful act of genocide.”

Biden traveled to the mountainous region near Leadville, Colorado, and used his authority under the Antiquities Act to designate the 53,804-acre national monument, which includes the military camp where the 10th Mountain Division trained during World War II as well as the surrounding national forest land.

Hours later, the Ute Indian Tribe — which is headquartered in Ft. Duchesne, Utah — released a lengthy statement condemning the administration’s failure to formally consult the tribe, noting that the traditional homelands of the tribe’s Uncompahgre Band are within the monument area. ..."

P.S. Unfortunately, I could not immediately find the Ute statement using Google search.

The Ute Indian Tribe calls Biden’s newest national monument an ‘unlawful act of genocide’ Elected tribal leaders said they were not sufficiently consulted about the designation of the Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument in Colorado, which is located in their traditional homelands.

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