Friday, October 21, 2022

The Most Dangerous Man in the World: John Locke


"... In 1683, the most dangerous man in the world escaped from England to the Netherlands. ...
In the hand of John Locke, the pen was truly mightier than the sword. ...
Later in that century, the ideas in Locke’s Two Treatises of Government became the elements of America’s founding philosophy:
Equality, in the original sense, not of equal abilities or equal wealth, but of non-subjugation;
Inalienable Rights, not to government entitlements, but to life, liberty, and property;
Democracy, in the original sense, not of mere majoritarian voting, but of popular sovereignty: the idea that governments should not be masters, but servants of the people;
Consent of the Governed: the idea that governments can only legitimately govern by the consent of the governed, i.e., the sovereign people;
Limited Government: the idea that the sole purpose and proper scope of legitimate government is only to secure the rights of the people;
Right of Revolution: the idea that any government that oversteps its limits and tramples the very rights it was charged with securing is a tyranny, and that the people have a right to resist, alter, and even abolish tyrannical governments.

The Most Dangerous Man in the World - Foundation for Economic Education Menace to tyrants, liberator of generations

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