Friday, October 21, 2022

Over 80% of U.S. LGBTQ students reported feeling unsafe at school last year according to annual survey. Really!

This annual survey was conducted by a very partisan organisation! This survey is largely a joke! It also seems to confuse normal, but sometimes not very polite  interactions between any teenagers and those between non-LGBTQ and LGBTQ teenagers.

This survey complains that a high percentage of self identified LGBTQ students "were prevented" from using the bathroom or locker room of their choice. What about girls, who do not want biological males in these designated areas? How uncomfortable is that for these girls? This is so presumptuous and arrogant by the LGBTQ community!

These self identified LGBTQ Students come across as extremely sensitive or oversensitive! Given the daily indoctrination and brainwashing this is no surprise!

This study self identified LGBTQ students says nothing about e.g.:
  1. What possibly insulting language these LGBTQ students use towards other students or staff etc.
  2. Whether these LGBTQ students do not sometimes provoke situations when other students call them names  or even physically attack them etc. 
"Over 80% of LGBTQ students reported feeling unsafe at school last year, according to an annual survey of 13–21-year-olds that details an “increasingly hostile” environment for LGBTQ individuals. The Hill"

"... The GLSEN report details a nationwide learning environment that has become increasingly hostile toward LGBTQ students. Nearly 80 percent said they avoided after-school functions or extracurricular activities because they felt unsafe or uncomfortable, and more than 32 percent said they missed at least one full day of school over concerns for their safety. Another 11 percent said they missed four or more days. ...
Across the country, state legislators have introduced measures that would restrict how public schools can address LGBTQ issues and identities, which LGBTQ advocacy and free speech groups have said will further isolate students. 
With 17 laws passed last year that negatively affect LGBTQ people, 2021 was declared by the Human Rights Campaign to be the worst year in modern history [???] for “state legislative attacks” on the LGBTQ community.
Only one-tenth [only??? 10% is a lot!] of LGBTQ+ students (10.9%) reported that school staff intervened most of the time or always when overhearing homophobic remarks at school, and less than onetenth of LGBTQ+ students (8.8%) [??? 9% is a log] reported that school staff intervened most of the time or always when overhearing negative remarks about gender expression."

"... The final sample consisted of a total of 22,298 students between the ages of 13
and 21. Students came from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto
Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands. Just over two-thirds of
the sample (67.2%) was White, 33.8% identified as cisgender and 31.5% as
nonbinary, and 30.1% identified as bisexual and 28.8% as gay or lesbian.
The average age of students in the sample was 15.4 years ...
Nearly all LGBTQ+ students (97.0%) heard “gay” used in a negative way (e.g., “that’s so gay”) at school; 68.0% heard these remarks frequently or often, and 93.7% reported that they felt distressed because of this language. ...
58.0% of students reported hearing homophobic remarks [???] from their teachers or other school staff, and 72.0% of students reported hearing negative remarks about gender expression from teachers or other school staff.
Additionally, many LGBTQ+ students reported online harassment based on
other characteristics:
• 17.3% reported being harassed online based on their actual or perceived disability,
• 13.7% reported being harassed online based on their religion; and
• 13.2% reported being harassed online based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity. ...
• 27.2% had been prevented from using the bathroom that aligned with
their gender;
• 23.8% had been prevented from using the locker room that aligned
with their gender;  ..."

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More than 80 percent of LGBTQ students reported feeling unsafe at school last year: report

GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) Creating a Better World for LGBTQ Students
As GLSEN was founded by a group of teachers in 1990, we knew that educators play key roles in creating affirming learning environments for LGBTQ youth. 

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