Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Mexico files new (frivolous) lawsuit accusing 5 Arizona gun dealers of weapons trafficking

What kind of a joke is that by Mexico's lefty President AMLO! Is he (68 years) similar demented and senile as the 46th President of the U.S.?

Close or control the border you fool! Interdict the weapons as they cross the border! Stop the migrants crossing your country and the southern U.S. border! Prosecute the criminal gangs in your country!

Is this even legally possible for Mexico to file such a suit in a U.S. federal court? Or is this just a political publicity stunt!

"The Mexican government filed another U.S. gun lawsuit Monday, this time against five U.S. gun shops and distributors it claims are responsible for the flow of illegal weapons into Mexico.
Mexico's first lawsuit, which was recently dismissed, targeted U.S. gun manufacturers. The second, which Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said was filed in Arizona's federal district court Monday, targets gun dealers. ...
Ebrard promised last week the new lawsuit would target gun shops or dealers in U.S. border states who sell guns to “straw” purchasers who pass them on to smugglers, who then take the weapons into Mexico. ...
Mexico was seeking at least $10 billion in compensation, but legal experts had viewed the lawsuit as a long shot.
The Mexican government estimates 70% of the weapons trafficked into Mexico come from the U.S., according to the Foreign Affairs Ministry. It said that in 2019 alone, at least 17,000 homicides in Mexico were linked to trafficked weapons. ..."

Mexico files lawsuit against arms dealers in Arizona Foreign Affairs Secretary Marcelo Ebrard says Mexico filed a second lawsuit Monday in Arizona that appears to target gun dealers

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