Monday, October 10, 2022

Mapping the whole human brain: Allen Institute to lead global collaboration

Good news! Very exciting! Exploration and discovery at its best! The human brain is still largely terra incognita!

Thanks to the generosity and philanthropy of the co-founder of Microsoft Paul Allen!

"Scientists at the Allen Institute are launching the brain equivalent of the Human Genome Project, leading a new global collaboration to map the approximately 200 billion cells in the human brain by their type and function.  ...
The collaboration is funded by the National Institutes of Health’s Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative as part of The BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network, or BICAN, and will also build detailed atlases of macaque and marmoset brains. ... the human and primate atlas grant project also includes sub-projects led by researchers from 17 other institutions in the U.S., Europe and Japan. ..."

Mapping the whole human brain: Allen Institute to lead global collaboration NIH BRAIN Initiative to fund primate brain atlases, maps of developing mouse brain, coordination and knowledge sharing, and brain function research

Human brain cell type diversity in the primary motor cortex, the region of the brain that controls movement. These data were generated using a technique known as single-cell transcriptomics to capture the full suite of genes switched on in each brain cell.

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