Saturday, October 22, 2022

Israeli Scientists ‘Teach’ Bacteria To Preserve Food Safely

Good news!

"... Food manufacturers around the world use synthetic antibacterial agents to destroy bacteria or prevent mold growth. Bountica does the same thing by fermenting organic matter into a tasteless powder or liquid that is added to food in tiny amounts.
They use a process called precision fermentation, in which microbes break down organic compounds (like sugars) and are directed to produce a specific product – namely, proteins that act as food-safe preservatives.
The process is normally used to develop new drugs, and has never before been used for food. 
“Just a handful of companies in the world are using this process for products that are not for pharma, and we are one of them – some of them are using it for agriculture, for example,” ...
the proteins they create are fully digestible and safe to consume, unlike synthetic alternatives, and he hopes to achieve the regulatory approvals they need soon, so they can start selling to manufacturers. ...
All the fungi that spoil food share the same metabolic pathway – a series of connected chemical reactions that feed one another. Bountica targets a very specific protein function, disrupting its functionality, and inhibiting the growth of all fungi. In other words, it actually stops the development of the cell structure of yeast and other contaminants ...
The waste from the fermentation process is organic, and is made up of 60 per cent protein. It can be dried and sold to be used as fertilizer, or as a source of protein for animal feed or pet food. ..."

Israeli Scientists ‘Teach’ Bacteria To Preserve Food Safely New process creates natural alternative to synthetic [chemical] preservatives

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