Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Heritage Foundation on ‘Time Has Arrived’ to Legalize Polygamy, Writes New York Judge

The subject of polygamy serves well to distinguish conservatives and classical liberals!

Probably few classical liberals would oppose polygamy! If several adults voluntarily decide get married with each other, because of love and desire to be close together, then why not. Should legalized polygamy later turn out to be a disaster, it can be reversed.

Conservatives like to mix in the debate all kinds of horror scenarios like adult incest or pedophilia or instability for children and so on. These are vivid imaginations, but wrong headed.

"... The media laughed off the conservative movement’s concerns about the slippery slope when Democrats pushed to sexualize the military 20 years ago. Now, almost two decades later, with American parents in the fight of their lives over transgenderism and judges paving the way for “plural marriage,” it unfortunately proves we were right. The LGBT’s fight was never about marriage—it was about every social norm

Back in 2003, the late Justice Antonin Scalia warned of a day when state laws “based on moral choices” against “bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution … adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity” would all fall. ...

An astonishing 23% of the American public thinks polygamy is “morally acceptable” in 2022, Gallup shows—more than triple what it was (7%) ...

And why not? If “love” and “consent” are all that define a relationship, then proponents of incest, pedophilia, and group marriage can follow the LGBT playbook all the way to validity. ..."

‘Time Has Arrived’ to Legalize Polygamy, Writes New York Judge

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