Saturday, October 15, 2022

A major fire broke out at the infamous Evin Prison in Iran

This could be another turn in the ongoing protests in Iran! This is breaking news! More confirmation and substantiation needed. Stand with the people of Iran!

It is this infamous prison near Teheran that operated already under Shah Pahlavi to incarcerate political prisoners. This prison then was frequently criticized by Iranians and foreigners before the overthrow of the Shah in 1979.

The Middle East and the world would be a much better place without the militant, extreme theocratic dictatorship in Iran! More than 40 years is enough!

"A major fire broke out at the Evin prison in Tehran on October 15, and the regime used live rounds and tear gas against prisoners and nearby protestors. Iranian state media made the unsubstantiated claim that inmates started the fire.[1] Regime security forces used violence against prisoners and nearby 
protesters during the fire.[2] Persian-language social media accounts reported that security forces have blocked roads to the prison and fired live rounds and tear gas.[3] Social media users and western media outlets reported explosions and gunshots around Evin Prison.[4]

The regime uses Evin Prison to hold political prisoners and individuals detained on security-related charges, among others.[5] Prison guards and security officials harshly abuse and mistreat inmates there.[6] The judiciary manages the prison, but the Intelligence and Security Ministry and IRGC Intelligence Organization control some parts of the facility as well.[7] The regime holds several dual nationals at Evin Prison, including US-Iranian citizens Siamak Namazi and Emad Shargi.[8]

Social media users have suggested without substantiation that the regime intentionally started the fire, possibly to justify the killing of arrested protesters at the prison.[9] Yasser Hashemi Rafsanjani—the son of late President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani—claimed that Iranian authorities advised his brother not to return to Evin Prison on October 15 when his brother was scheduled to return from a furlough.[10] CTP cannot validate these rumors."

Iran Crisis Update, October 15 | Critical Threats

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