Tuesday, October 04, 2022

European Parliament: Long-awaited common charger for mobile devices will be a reality in 2024. Really!

Typical socialist nonsense! Horrible! So much stupidity is stunning!

Stifling innovation!

Only 13 legislators voted against it! Did these lawmakers tried to make point to demonstrate how important the European Parliament is? Or has the parliament once more shown to the world what a laughing stock it is?
These are tax payer paid for self congratulating buffoons!

"One single charger for all mobile phones and tablets - beneficial for the environment and for consumers
USB Type-C port will be the new standard for portable devices, offering high-quality charging and data transfers
Buyers will be able to choose whether to purchase a new device with or without a charging device ...
The new law, adopted by plenary on Tuesday with 602 votes in favour, 13 against and 8 abstentions, is part of a broader EU effort to reduce e-waste and to empower consumers to make more sustainable choices. ..."

Long-awaited common charger for mobile devices will be a reality in 2024 | News | European Parliament

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