Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Cornell University: New vice president and chief human resources officer Christine Lovely is passionate about DEI

Lovely, she "a lawyer-turned-human resources executive, brings extensive experience in higher education and a passion for promoting diversity, equity and inclusion to her new role ..."

Don't we like elite universities to spread propaganda and demagoguery! A university, where indoctrination and brainwashing flourish! I probably could never be a student or employee at this university as long as such demagoguery as DEI is pursued. 

Some excerpts from her interview:
"... I’m coming in like a sponge ... I’ll be transparent about what I hear. ...
Diversity is a fact of life. But the question is, what do we do as a university, and how does it show up as a priority. It’s important that diversity is one of the lenses through which we view everything that we do in HR ..."

Christine Lovely, new HR chief, describes priorities, vision | Cornell Chronicle 

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