Saturday, October 15, 2022

AIPAC: Stand with Israel against climate change. Really!

Yesterday, I received an email from AIPAC with exactly this subject line! I choked for a moment. What! Very disappointing!

Apparently, the influential AIPAC organisation has also bought into and spreads ow this propaganda and demagoguery of Global Warming and Climate Change.

"Climate change is a preeminent challenge facing our world. The only way to stop it is if the global community - led by innovative countries like the U.S. and Israel - unites against this threat.
Israel is leading the fight against climate change by creating and implementing clean energy and irrigation technologies. We MUST maintain a strong alliance with Israel to help the U.S. develop its own climate solutions and ensure a united front against extreme climate changes and natural disasters.
The U.S.-Israel relationship plays a crucial role in the fight against climate change and can aid America in handling current and future climate issues. It is crucial that the U.S. supports Israeli innovation and continues to invest in our climate partnership. ..."

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