Saturday, September 24, 2022

Soviet Armed Forces Officer Stanislav Petrov prevented mutually assured destruction (MAD) in 1983

Stanislav Petrov (1939-2017) is credited for having single handedly prevented a nuclear Armageddon when he refused and disobeyed orders on 9/26/1983 to launch a nuclear retaliatory strike in response to what he judged to be a false alarm.

If not for him, the Cold War could have turned into a hot war!

If I am not mistaken, the history of false alarms regarding nuclear weapons has not been written yet. Were there really only so few false alarms or tense moments? What about e.g. China or the U.S.? Why are they still kept secret?
It would be truly a miracle if so few false alarms or tense moments occurred!

Sometimes, history comes down to one human being to make the right decision! There is probably more to this story and he was maybe not the only person, who was involved etc.

Stanislav Petrov - Wikipedia

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