Thursday, August 11, 2022

Outgoing Whole Foods CEO John Mackey issues stark warning about encroachment of socialists: 'They're taking over everything'

Hopefully, we will hear and read more from him after retirement! He said, he would no longer be "muzzled"!

Most of what John Mackey said is not new, but it needs to be repeated!

"... "They're marching through the institutions. They're taking over everything," he added. "They're taking over education. It looks like they've taken over a lot of the corporations. It looks like they've taken over the military. And it's just continuing." ...
In a 2020 interview, for example, Mackey described socialism as the "path of poverty."
"They talk about 'trickle-down wealth,' but socialism is trickle-up poverty," Mackey said. "It just impoverishes everything."
"The Marxists and socialists, the academic community is generally hostile to business. It always has been. This is not new," he explained. ..."

Outgoing Whole Foods CEO issues stark warning about encroachment of socialists: 'They're taking over everything' - TheBlaze

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