Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Olaf Scholz And Mahmoud Abbas

Why did Olaf Scholz invite this meanwhile senile so called President of the State of Palestine to Germany? Was there really a good reason to invite Abbas? I doubt it!

When was the last time, there was a legitimate election in so called State of Palestine? President Abbas (87 years old) is in office since 2005.

After 16 years of former east German socialist chancellor Merkel, Germany has another dubious chancellor not only for this reason (e.g. Cum Ex Scandal)! Would have never crossed my mind to invite this man!

Recently the demented and senile 46th President of the U.S. met with the senile President Abbas. I have captured this moment here.

When Western politicians repeatedly make the same mistake over and over again like cozying up to the terrorists and oppressors of Arabs, then this is not only insanity but appalling!
Some politicians never learn!

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