Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Drone deliveries consume 94% less energy per parcel than diesel trucks

A new future job: Drone traffic controller  Next time you order something don't forget to open your window. 😄

Human ingenuity easily takes care of the endless deluge with Global Warming and Climate Change Religion propaganda and demagoguery!

I think, this is also a great opportunity for lower income countries to catch up!

Add to this the emergence of home office, remote work and virtual conferencing, which reduce the daily commute and business travel etc.

"... There are many things that make drones fantastic for last-mile delivery (i.e. from the nearest transportation hub to the consumer). They’re faster, more reliable, and cheaper than traditional delivery methods, especially since they can be entirely autonomous. ...
According to a new study out of Carnegie Mellon University, drones carrying small parcels emit 84% less greenhouse gas emissions than a diesel truck while also using 94% less energy. ...
Over the past three years, there have been over 660,000 commercial drone deliveries to customers, not including the countless test flights to develop and prove the technology. McKinsey estimates that more than 2,000 drone deliveries are carried out each day worldwide, with growth rates accelerating every week. The year 2022 could be closed with 1.5 million deliveries, says the market research company. ..."

From the abstract:
"Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) for last-mile deliveries will affect the energy productivity of delivery ... We combine empirical testing of 188 quadcopter flights across a range of speeds with a first-principles analysis to develop a usable energy model and a machine-learning algorithm to assess energy across takeoff, cruise, and landing. Our model shows that an electric quadcopter drone with a very small package (0.5 kg) would consume approximately 0.08 MJ/km and result in 70 g of CO2e per package in the United States. We compare drone delivery with other vehicles and show that energy per package delivered by drones (0.33 MJ/package) can be up to 94% lower than conventional transportation modes, with only electric cargo bicycles providing lower GHGs/package. ..."

Drone deliveries consume 94% less energy per parcel than diesel trucks The future sounds cloudy with a chance of drone swarms.

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