Thursday, August 18, 2022

Deepfakes against movie profanity to lower the movie rating from R to PG

Did these clever movie makers also consider that some adults will not watch this now tame, lame sounding thriller anymore! 

"Fall, a thriller about two friends who climb a 2,000-foot tower only to find themselves trapped at the top, originally included over 30 instances of a certain offensive word. The filmmakers deepfaked the picture to clean up the language, enabling the film to earn a rating that welcomes younger viewers ...
Following the revisions, the Motion Picture Association changed the film’s rating from R, which requires audience members under 17 years old to be accompanied by an adult, to PG-13, which is open to all ages.  ..."

Science Plagued by Machine Learning Mistakes, Deepfakes Censor Profanity, Wearable AI Helps Impaired Walking, Ensemble Models Simplified

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