Wednesday, August 17, 2022

On Can we finally let a few crises just go to waste?

This is the title of a podcast that was announced in one of my emails today!

You can well say that the modus operandi of the caste of our ever busybody lifelong career politicians in Western countries in the last two decades or so was "Never let a crises go to waste". Almost every difficult situation is declared or treated like a new crisis (large or not so large) to give them cover and legitimacy to expand government further.

It was Rahm Emanuel, one of President Obama's henchmen and current 31st Ambassador to Japan (don't they say the 46th President is a replay of the Obama presidency), who made this expression famous again in 2008. The origins of this expression supposedly goes back to Winston Churchill or even Niccolo Machiavelli, if you Google it.

"Politicians seemingly live by the motto “never let a crisis go to waste.”
From Coronavirus to the financial crisis of 2008 to 9/11, one crisis after another has resulted in an explosion of the regulatory state, mountains of government debt and political predation from electeds eager to implement their pet projects.
Wayne Crews, vice president for policy and senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, joined the program to discuss how we can temper this trend — a topic he covers in detail in his latest report: The Case for Letting Crises Go to Waste."

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