Thursday, June 23, 2022

What Would Happen if We Eliminated Compulsory Schooling Laws

Very recommendable! It is one of those great myth that the education of children was extremely inadequate before government stepped in with compulsory schooling laws!

Remember, one of the primary motives behind government mandated uniform and compulsory education of children was national power and empire building!

I think it is worth trying to completely eliminate compulsory schooling of children. It would be a great experiment in individual liberty. Devolution of  more power to parents and children from government! Privatize education!

Given today's technologies, e.g. home schooling via online education has become a very viable option!

E.g. some of today's controversies about public primary and secondary schooling would evaporate like gender identity and critical race theory.

Best of all side effects, it will significantly lower the tax burden on citizens and it will make education a lot cheaper again!

4 Things That Would Happen if We Eliminated Compulsory Schooling Laws - Foundation for Economic Education Eliminating compulsory schooling laws would break the century-and-a-half stranglehold of schooling on education.

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