Sunday, June 12, 2022

Nature Journal: How science could aid the U.S. quest for environmental justice

It has become so annoying and disturbing that the prestigious Nature journal is spreading a certain ideology so frequently!

What is "environmental justice", but a loaded ideological term!

"When US President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he put environmental justice — the quest to address pollution and other harms that disproportionately affect the health of marginalized communities — at the top of his domestic agenda. ... 
The cornerstone of the administration’s strategy — the Justice40 initiative — pledges that 40% of the federal government’s investments in climate and clean energy will go to disadvantaged communities. ...
“The major driver of environmental injustice in this country is racism,” ..."

How science could aid the US quest for environmental justice Research tools to identify and help protect disadvantaged communities have been in the works for years. Scientists and activists want them put into action.

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