Friday, June 03, 2022

British actors union: Stop AI stealing the show

There is a famous quote by Victor Hugo: "One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas." Often shortened to: "No army can stop an idea whose time has come."

AI has the power to make a lot of actors jobless! Labor unions better try to accommodate and cooperate instead of oppose the inevitable!

British actors union Equity - Stop AI stealing the show "Join our campaign to strengthen performers' rights in response to the rise of artificial intelligence across the entertainment industry."

"... Actors Act Against AI
Performing artists are taking action to protect their earning power against scene-stealing avatars.

What’s new: Equity, a union of UK performing artists, launched a campaign to pressure the government to prohibit unauthorized use of a performer’s AI-generated likeness. The union published tips to help artists who work on AI projects exercise control over their performances and likenesses. ..."

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