Wednesday, June 15, 2022

1,115 biological males in California Prisons Identify as Women and women's prisons currently hold only 3,700 females

If I was in prison, I would try that too and request to be transferred to a women's prison! If not just for the fun of it! 😄

Total prison population in California is about 97,100 as of 5/31/2022. Males 93,400 and Females 3,700. (Source). So now imagine if 1000 transgender women want to move in to women's prisons! 

What is the cost of these so called gender affirming medical procedures to the taxpayer?

When will we see the first riots in women's prisons not exactly welcoming those transgender inmates?

Perhaps, we need separate prisons for transgender people like we may need separate sports events.

"California’s prison population includes 1,115 biological males who say they identify as women, according to the state’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. 
About 1 in 3 in that population has requested transfers to women’s prisons, but only about 1 in 10 of those requests have been approved, the corrections department says. ..."

By the Numbers: How Many Men in California Prisons Identify as Women

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