Saturday, March 12, 2022

COVID’s true death toll of some 18 million: much higher than official records propaganda

The demagogues are not giving up inflating the death toll of the global Covid-19 pandemic! This latest attempt was published by none other than Nature journal!

Given the fact that everyone was counted has having died from Covid-19 who was infected with Covid-19 irrespective of other causes.

"... That far outstrips the 5.9 million deaths that the study says were reported to various official sources for the same period. ...
To estimate COVID-19 deaths, the IHME study uses a measure called excess mortality, which is a convenient tool to overcome variation in the ways that countries identify and record deaths from the virus. Researchers estimate excess deaths by comparing the total deaths reported in a region or country, from all causes, with how many deaths would be expected given trends in recent years. ...
But he stresses that such estimates also include deaths from other causes. More research is needed, he says, to separate deaths caused directly by COVID-19 from those that are the indirect results of the pandemic ..."

COVID’s true death toll: much higher than official records Modelling suggests that by the end of 2021, some 18 million people had died because of the pandemic.

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