Thursday, September 30, 2021

The Lin Biao Incident And The People’s Liberation Army Of Purges

Very recommendable!

However, the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley and the hapless Defense Secretary Austin need to resign or be fired over the Afghanistan debacle!

Given all the recent massive purges under the self anointed dictator for life Xi Jinping, is the current People's Liberation Army perhaps only a paper tiger?

"A hallmark of communist military culture is the ruthless purge of the most senior commanders who are considered able but simultaneously threatening to the supreme leader. During the Great Purge of the 1930s, Stalin purged three of his five Red Army marshals, thirteen of his fifteen army commanders, and eight of his nine admirals.
Not to be outmatched, the supreme leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also has a similar bloody history of military purges. Of the ten People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) marshals that Mao Zedong designated in 1955, three of them died tragic deaths in a direct purge by Mao, and nine of them were “struggled against” by Mao for harboring impure Marxist-Leninist thoughts and questionable loyalty to him, a precursor to physical elimination. ...
Xi Jinping, the current supreme dictator of the PRC and the general secretary of the CCP, has even outdone Mao in his ruthless purge of the PLA leadership. Since 2014, thousands of senior PLA officers have been purged. First on his chopping block were the two highest-ranking PLA commanders who ran the world’s largest armed force for over a decade until Xi’s rise to supremacy in 2012, vice chairmen of the CMC, Generals Xu Caihou and Guo Boxiong.
General Xu, purged in 2014, died in agony one year later; General Guo is now serving a life sentence in a communist prison. Included in the thousands of senior PLA officers promoted during Xu and Guo’s tenure are seven of the PLA’s highest ranking military generals. Xi’s military purge is so thorough that the entire senior military staff working under his predecessor, General Secretary Hu Jintao, has been purged.
The PLA has many enemies, but one of the biggest has always been its own purger-in-chief. Xi Jinping is no exception.

The Lin Biao Incident And The People’s Liberation Army Of Purges | Hoover Institution

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