Sunday, February 28, 2021

Rowan Dean: No 'secret agenda' about The Great Reset

Recommendable! Rowan Dean also argues e.g. that the Covid-19 death counts are inflated!

English for trippers: To die in dye

 Why not die in style while dying your hair?

English for trippers: Quiet and quit are not quite the same

Yesterday, someone wrote quite environment, but meant to say quiet environment. I suggested to the person, she better quit confusing these two words. Quite a suggestion, right?

Or how about: Quit or be quiet! Quite possible!

Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities

When propaganda and demagoguery get in the way and foster stupid decisions! Privatize public schools!

"Boston Public Schools officials said that a program with advanced learning classes would be cancelled over concerns that the classes served disproportionate racial groups. ..."

Boston public schools cancel new advanced classes for high performing students because of racial inequalities - TheBlaze

Faulty US Intel Report on Khashoggi Death Meant to Topple Saudi Crown Prince, Woo Iran

Recommendable! I agree with much of what is contained in this opinion piece. The main question is why would the crown prince take on such an enormous risk to get rid of a journalist by killing him? 

This so called short report does not contain any evidence! Almost all of it is rather speculative and amateurish! The only link to MBS mentioned is that the alleged members of the team that supposedly captured and/or killed Kashoggi (his body was never recovered) were closely associated with MBS.

"... So, when the CIA authors a report on the death of a Saudi journalist at the hands of Saudi henchmen, it isn’t surprising that the report, issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), fingers Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. What is surprising that the report on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is just three-quarters of a page of amateurish innuendo. ...
We don’t know whether the crown prince ordered Khashoggi’s murder, or ordered his capture, or ordered anything at all. ...
The report is more an indictment of the politicization of the CIA than a document that tells the government anything worthwhile about Saudi Arabia. ...
And even if we did know for sure, why would we seek to create a political crisis in Saudi Arabia, an important ally, and a major oil producer? ...
In fact, the report was released by the administration to topple the crown prince from power. It doesn’t matter whether the report is credible—it matters that President Joe Biden says it is. And it matters that it works in favor of Iran. Biden is on a “charm offensive” to woo the Iranians back into negotiations over a new pact on the Iranian nuclear program. The Iranians expect to be paid in advance and undermining Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is a hot ticket. ...
Therefore, the report is best understood in context with other reckless moves by the Biden administration: “freezing” arms sales to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, halting intelligence assistance to the Arab Coalition opposing the Houthis, removing the Houthis from the terror list, ...
Biden’s delay in calling Israel’s prime minister is part of the same policy, as is significant backtracking on reaffirming U.S. policy over Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and undermining the Abraham Accords by halting the sale of F-35s to the UAE. ...
Even while President Donald Trump was in office, John Kerry was meeting with Iran’s foreign minister, working out the framework of a deal once Biden was elected. While this most certainly was a violation of the Logan Act ..."

Some excerpts from the 4 pages report:
"... Since 2017, the Crown Prince has had absolute control of the Kingdom's security and intelligence organizations, making it highly unlikely that Saudi officials would have carried out an operation of this nature without the Crown Prince's authorization. ...
At the time of the Khashoggi murder, the Crown Prince probably fostered an environment in which aides were afraid that failure to complete assigned tasks might result in him firing or arresting them. This suggests that the aides were unlikely to question Muhammad bin Salman's orders or undertake sensitive actions without his consent. ...
The IS-member Saudi team that arrived in Istanbul on 2 October 2018 included officials who worked for, or were associated with, the Saudi Center for Studies and Media Affairs (CSMARC) at the Royal Court. At the time of the operation, CSMARC was led by Saud al-Qahtani, a close adviser of Muhammad bin Salman ...

The team also included seven members of Muhammad bin Salman's elite personal protective detail, known as the Rapid Intervention Force (RIF). The RIF-a subset of the Saudi Royal Guard-exists to defend the Crown Prince, answers only to him, and had directly participated in earlier dissident suppression operations in the Kingdom and abroad at the Crown Prince's direction. We judge that members of the RIF would not have
participated in the operation against Khashoggi without Muhammad bin Salman's approval. ...
We have high confidence that the following individuals participated in, ordered, or were otherwise complicit in or responsible for the death of Jamal Khashoggi on behalf of Muhammad bin Salman. We do not know whether these individuals knew in advance that the operation would result
in Khashoggi's death. ..."

Faulty US Intel Report on Khashoggi Death Meant to Topple Saudi Crown Prince, Woo Iran (sort of behind a paywall)

Here is a link to the CIA report as it was published by the Washington Compost:

Specific bacteria in the gut prompt mother mice to neglect their pups

Amazing stuff! We still know so little about the multitude of bacteria living in our gut and their effects on behavior and the brain!

"As scientists learn more about the microorganisms that colonize the body—collectively called the microbiota—one area of intense interest is the effect that these microbes can have on the brain. A new study led by Salk Institute scientists has identified a strain of E. coli bacteria that, when living in the guts of female mice, causes them to neglect their offspring. ... 
“To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that the intestinal microbiota is important for promoting healthy maternal behavior and bonding between mom and offspring in an animal model,” ...
“It adds to the ever-growing evidence that there’s a gut-brain connection, and that microbes are important for regulating the behavior of the host that they’re inhabiting.” ..."

"Maternal behavior is necessary for optimal development and growth of offspring. The intestinal microbiota has emerged as a critical regulator of growth and development in the early postnatal period life. Here, we describe the identification of an intestinal Escherichia coli strain that is pathogenic to the maternal-offspring system during the early postnatal stage of life and results in growth stunting of the offspring. ..."

Specific bacteria in the gut prompt mother mice to neglect their pups - Salk Institute for Biological Studies Salk researchers make unexpected discoveries about how a particular microbe influences animal behavior

Here is the link to the referenced paper:

Wege aus der Wirtschaftskrise - mit Kay Gottschalk und Frank-Christian Hansel

Empfehlenswert! Habe aber nur etwa die Hälfte des Gesprächs angesehen. Beide Politiker sind wählbar!

Behind the Scenes: Monticello's 2nd and 3rd Floors

Very recommendable! Who was living with Thomas Jefferson in his final years. What were some of his slaves doing inside of Monticello. An almost personal look at Thomas Jefferson! Three generations of Jefferson's family were living at Monticello in his final years.

The only headstone for a slave at Monticello was for Priscilla Hemmings (she and her slave husband never had children, but they were married):

Global chip shortage: How microchips became one of the worlds most precious resources


Saturday, February 27, 2021

Thomas Sowell - Something for Nothing

Very recommendable!

Niederlande bezichtigt China des Genozids an Uiguren

Bravo! Hoffentlich werden andere Europäische Länder oder sogar die EU bald folgen! Die kommunistische Partei Chinas unterdrückt Religions- und Meinungsfreiheit und Minderheiten (z.B. Christen, Falun Gong, Tibetaner). 

Niederlande bezichtigt China des Genozids an Uiguren Das Parlament in Den Haag ist die erste europäische Volksvertretung, die China des Genozids an den Uiguren bezichtigt. Regierungsvertreter sind darüber nicht glücklich. Aber die Abgeordneten sind Teil eines internationalen Trends.

What are the chances of the 46th U.S. president to be in office until his term ends?

I don't think they are very good. He might not even make it through the first 12 months in his term. His obvious and serious cognitive decline can no longer be hidden from the public. 

What the Dimocratic Party and its enablers in media and business have done is inexcusable and irresponsible!

To term limit the U.S. presidency was not enough! The people of the United States also deserve to learn more about the health status of any presidential candidate before election day and once in office. Were any recent e.g. health checkups of Joseph Biden made public? 

Road map to U.S. fusion power plant comes into clearer focus—sort of

Good news! However, progress is at the speed of molasses! Humanity has been waiting for several decades now for nuclear fusion to become a source of reliable mass produced energy! We are waisting so much money on the Global Warming hoax and Climate Change religion.

"Plans to build a prototype fusion power plant in the United States have come into tighter focus, as a new report lays out a rough timeline for building the multibillon-dollar plant and a strategy for developing its design. The United States should strive to start construction of the pilot by 2035 [What????] and to have it running by 2040, according to a report released this week by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). To meet that tight schedule, the report calls for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to help fund two to four teams that, in collaboration with private industry, would develop by 2028 different conceptual designs. ..."

"... Supporters of the proposal say building a pilot plant would enable U.S. researchers to leap-frog competitors in Europe and Asia and reclaim the lead in fusion research. ..."
Who believes this nonsense?

Road map to U.S. fusion power plant comes into clearer focus—sort of | Science | AAAS

KSK: Steht General Kreitmayr vor der Ablösung?

Ich kann nicht behaupten mich mit dem Fall oder seinen Umständen auszukennen. Jedoch scheint hier wieder mal political correctness den Auftrag der Bundeswehr international und relativ zu der Allianz mit anderen Partnern (USA, UK, Frankreich, Australien, Kanada usw.) zu untergraben und die Verteidigungsfähigkeit Deutschlands zu desavouieren!

Deutschland hat seit 2013 jetzt zwei weibliche Verteidigungsminister nacheinander gehabt. Ursula von der Leyen war wohl keine Bereicherung für die Bundeswehr! Sehr schön was Gleichberechtigung etc. angeht, aber Frauen in Deutschland haben bisher nicht wirklich gedient insbesondere nicht in Kampfeinsätzen. Daher fehlt es Frauen generell an einem Verständnis was Militär oder solche Einsätze angeht. Das kann sich in Zukunft sicherlich ändern, vor allem dann wenn Frauen in der Bundeswehr dienen wie Männer ohne Unterschied (z.B. Israelische Militär)!

Ich bin für die umfängliche Öffnung der Bundeswehr für Frauen! Sollte die Wehrpflicht, ob im Frieden oder Verteidigungsfall, wieder eingeführt werden, sollten Frauen und Männer (sowie Menschen anderen Geschlechts) dienen ohne Unterschied!

"... Als äußerst ungewöhnlich wurde in diesem Zusammenhang eine öffentliche Intervention des Vorsitzenden des Bundeswehrverbandes André Wüstner (siehe auch hier) empfunden. Der Chef der gewerkschaftlichen Organisation warnte Verteidigungsministerin Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) am Mittwoch eindringlich vor einer Entbindung Kreitmayrs von seinem Kommando. Wüstner sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: „Sollte Markus Kreitmayr – wie jetzt von Medien berichtet – von der Ministerin abgelöst werden oder gar erneut die Auflösung des KSK zur Debatte stehen, ohne dass vorher umfassend ermittelt worden wäre, befürchte ich einen größeren Vertrauensverlust in den Streitkräften.“ Er wolle sich, so Wüstner weiter, nicht vorstellen, dass Kramp-Karrenbauer in das „alte Fahrwasser“ ihrer Vorgängerin Ursula von der Leyen gerate. Damals habe man den Eindruck gewinnen können, „dass Bauernopfer als vermeintliches Zeichen von Führungsstärke wichtiger waren als Aufklärung und Einordnung der Sachlage“. Der Verbandsvorsitzende gab auch eine persönliche Ehrenerklärung für den Bundeswehr-General ab: „Ich kenne Brigadegeneral Markus Kreitmayr als äußert integren, pflichtbewussten Offizier. Er ist energisch gegen die beim KSK bekannt gewordenen Missstände vorgegangen und hat einen wesentlichen Kulturwandel eingeleitet.“ ..."

KSK: Steht General Kreitmayr vor der Ablösung? Eine ungeklärte Selbstamnestierung in Sachen Munition rückt das Kommando Spezialkräfte abermals ins Zentrum von Ermittlungen. Der Bundeswehrverband gibt eine Ehrenerklärung für den KSK-Chef ab.

Transrapid: In Deutschland gescheitert, in China gefragt

Ist der Transrapid ist zu schnell für die geringen Distanzen in Deutschland? Hamburg-Berlin 280 km, Hamburg-München 791 km. München-Berlin 585 km. Oder waren wieder mal die Umweltschützer dagegen? Entweder ist diese Magnetschwebebahn Technik nicht vernünftig einsetzbar und finanziell tragbar oder man hat wieder mal die Schlafmütze getragen! Im Zeitalter von Uber, autonomen Fahrzeugen und Drohnen ist diese massive Technologie mit enormen Infrastruktur Bedarf letztendlich vielleicht gescheitert. 

"... Im Jahr 1991 wurde die Anwendungsreife anerkannt. Die einzige Transrapidstrecke im Regelbetrieb wurde am 31. Dezember 2002 in Schanghai in Betrieb genommen. In Deutschland wurden die Transrapid-Projekte Berlin–Hamburg, Metrorapid und ein Flughafenzubringer in München nach langjährigen Planungsphasen abgebrochen. ..." (Wikipedia)
Eine Schnecke ist schneller!

Transrapid: In Deutschland gescheitert, in China gefragt Mit 600 Kilometern pro Stunde von Schanghai nach Guangzhou: Chinas Bahnpläne werden zur Gefahr für die Fluggesellschaften. In Deutschland entwickelt, kommerziell jedoch gescheitert. So lässt sich die Geschichte des Transrapid in wenigen Worten zusammenfassen. China will dagegen nun ein Netz für das Magnetschwebebahnsystem aufbauen.

Judge rules Arizona’s Maricopa County must turn over 2.1 million November 2020 ballots to state Senate

Apparently, the November 2020 presidential election is not over yet! You may recall that Arizona was one of the battleground states with tight election outcome. To be more precise: Biden (1,672,143 votes) won only by 10,457 votes over Trump (1,661,686). For Maricopa county: Biden (1,040,774), Trump (995,665, difference 45,109 votes (The libertarian candidate received 31,705 votes).

I am afraid, the subpoenaed election results from Maricopa county will not be used for a comprehensive recount/audit, but only for election reform proposals etc.. The good news is the court required all votes in Maricopa county to be turned over (2,068,144 is the total of votes).

There was another interesting U.S. Senate race in Arizona: Mark Kelly (D) vs. incumbent Martha McSallly (R). Their election outcome: Kelly (1,716,467), McSally (1,637,661), difference 78,806 votes. McSally was seen as a weak candidate and her reelection was anything but assured. But given this race, there were even more strong incentives for anyone to circumvent election integrity in Arizona. 

In addition, their was a third party presidential candidate in Arizona. Jo Jorgensen (born in Libertyville, IL) gained 51,465 total votes. Most of her votes came out of Maricopa county (31,705 votes). The independent and liberty minded Arizonan voters have contributed to the Trump a defeat.  

I am afraid, the legal battle over a more comprehensive recount/audit of election results in Maricopa county will continue. Maricopa County is by far the most populous county in Arizona state with about 4.5 million population or about 62% of the entire state.

I would also suggest to have a comprehensive recount/audit conducted in the second most populous county, i.e. Pima county, which includes the city of  Tucson. Election results: Biden (304,981), Trump (207,758), difference 97,223 votes. Yes, the difference is large, but were all these votes legitimate? A full audit/recount may discover otherwise!

"... A judge ruled Friday that  Arizona's Maricopa County must provide roughly 2.1 million ballots from the Nov. 3 election to the state Senate and allow the chamber to access to its election equipment to conduct an audit, according to a news reports.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason ruled that subpoenas issued by the state Senate are valid and should be enforced. Thomason also disputed arguments from county officials the Senate subpoenas are unlawful, according to the Epoch Times. The county has argued that previous, multiple audits are sufficient and that the ballots should be sealed. ..."

Excerpt from the Maricopa County Superior Court's conclusion:
"The Court finds that that Subpoenas are legal and enforceable. There is no question that the Senators have the power to issue legislative subpoenas. The Subpoenas comply with the statutory requirements for legislative subpoenas. The Senate also has broad constitutional power
to oversee elections. The Arizona legislature clearly has the power to investigate and examine election reform matters. Accordingly, the Senators have the power to subpoena material as part of an inquiry into election reform measures. ..."

Judge rules Arizona’s Maricopa County must turn over 2.1 million November ballots to state Senate | Just The News Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican says effort is about "the integrity of the Arizona election system."

Here is the link to the court's decision:

Why does ESTONIA have the most COMPETITIVE TAXES in the WORLD?

Recommendable! Estonia has essentially a simple, flat tax system for corporate, personal, and consumption taxes. Distortions are minimized by having the same tax rate for all three forms of taxation. You can argue that a 20% tax rate is fairly high. Low government debt per GDP ratio. 

Emphasis on digital government and economy. Government was downsized and made more efficient! Easy business establishment and so forth. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

MIT Technology Review: What is an “algorithm”? It depends who you ask

Oh really! MIT Technology Review is not aware that we have already reached the point were biological computers or machine learning or algorithms are capable of automatically designing new algorithms! You wonder!

"Defining terms: Describing a decision-making system as an “algorithm” is often a way to deflect accountability for human decisions. For many, the term implies a set of rules based objectively on data. It also suggests a system that is highly complex. In reality, many algorithms are very simple. And, of course, they’re always designed by humans. ..."

An AI is training counselors to deal with teens in crisis

STAT: Sen. Rand Paul misunderstands transgender medicine. Here’s the truth! Really?

Of course, it would not take 24 hours for some apologetics of "transgender medicine/health" to come out to oppose U.S. Senator Rand Paul's questioning of cause celebre and Biden nominee Rachel Levine (I blogged here about it).

If somebody claims to know "the truth" that is almost always a big warning sign!

"... Paul’s line of questioning reflects a wider set of misconceptions around transgender medicine — namely, that there is an epidemic of youth hastily undergoing sex changes that they later come to regret. Levine aptly responded that transgender medicine has “robust research and standards of care” — peer-reviewed standards of care designed to prevent Paul’s doomsday scenario. ...
In fact, puberty blockers, along with hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery, are medically effective in treating gender dysphoria in youth without generating any long-term desire for reversals [???]. ...
Pausing puberty is effective. Most youths who receive gender-affirming care choose to further their physical treatment and do not opt to restart natural puberty, thereby circumventing some surgeries that would alter their post-pubescent secondary sex characteristics. ..."
You cannot make this up!

Then these authors mention the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). If this does not sound impressive, reputable, and authoritative? However, this association did not exist before 1979 and it was founded under a very different name. It appears before 1995 it was not even an international organisation, but rather a California/San Francisco based one! Moreover, it appears WPATH did not even have conferences before 2020. Looks obscure to me!

Sen. Rand Paul misunderstands transgender medicine. Here’s the truth

Sure enough, according to the authors of this pamphlet, "transgender medicine" is just like a look in the mirror (image appears in above article)! What a nonsense!

What a Reporter’s Arrest at a BLM Riot Tells Us About the Media

Recommendable! When journalists become partisan/radical and participate in criminal activities!

"... The [Des Moines] Register and its political allies don’t want Sahouri’s [journalist arrested by police during the riot] case going to trial. But the actual trial may answer some of the questions that the paper doesn’t want answered. And it may raise further questions about the Register’s decision to hire a member of a hate group, to send her to cover protests that she supported, and then to back her up after she was arrested at one of them."

What a Reporter’s Arrest at a BLM Riot Tells Us About the Media | Frontpagemag There’s more to the story of the media’s “Palestinian” free speech martyr.

U.S. Supreme Court: No profile in courage!

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to deal with the allegations of compromised election integrity regarding the November 3rd presidential elections! I did not have time yet to read the entire decision (including the dissent by Justices Thomas and Alito), but it seems obvious, the Justices decided cowardly not to address this serious issue!

The flawed decision contains such weird main arguments as follows:
"... That decision to rewrite the rules seems to have affected too few ballots to change the outcome of any federal election. But that may not be the case in the future. ...
We are fortunate that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision to change the receipt deadline for mail-in ballots does not appear to have changed the outcome in any federal election. ...
After all, the 2020 election is now over, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision was not outcome determinative for any federal election. ... "
What the heck! To argue from the outcome of the election backwards in this case is at best a lame excuse if not plain wrong! Not only that, since no major and comprehensive recount or audit of election results were conducted anywhere in the country where the results were contested, how do these Justices actually know?

" ... And none of the parties contend that those ballots made an outcome-determinative difference in any relevant federal election.  ..."
I don't think, the Justices are right on this point either! This seems dubious!

Let's have a quick look again at the Pennsylvania final election results (to my, perhaps mistaken knowledge, no major and comprehensive recount and/or audit was ever conducted in PA):
Biden: 3,458,229 votes Trump: 3,377,674 (that is a difference of only 80,555 votes)
Mail in votes for Biden: 1,995,691 Trump: 595,538 (we are supposed to believe that 3.3 times more Biden voters opted for mail in voting than Trump voters?)

Here is the link to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision:
20-542 Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid (02/22/2021)

Meme of the Day



From 9/11 to COVID, Every Emergency Means Bigger Government

Recommendable! Food for thought!

"For two decades, Americans have been governed by emergency. These emergencies have become excuses for permanent political power grabs, for restrictions on individual liberties large and small, for mass bureaucratization and mass expansion of government spending, trillions of dollars' worth of non-solutions to deep-rooted problems. With every crisis, government grows. And now the crisis is government itself. ..."

From 9/11 to COVID, Every Emergency Means Bigger Government – We have to stop governing by emergency.

Immer mehr zivile Opfer in Afghanistan – die Taliban ermorden gezielt Ärzte, Anwälte und Journalisten

Sehr bedenklich und abschreckend! Wer steckt hinter den/unterstützt die Taliban Barbaren? Iran, Türkei, Russland, Saudis, China, Pakistan, Nord Korea ...? Ist der Westen endlich mal bereit das Aufzuklären und dagegen vorzugehen?

"Ein Drittel der zivilen Opfer, die der Krieg in Afghanistan im letzten Jahr gefordert hat, waren Kinder."

Afghanistan: Steigende Zahl ziviler Opfer Seit die Taliban mit der Regierung in Kabul über Frieden verhandeln, hat die Gewalt in Afghanistan noch zugenommen. Die Aufständischen scheinen nicht an einem Kompromiss interessiert. Nur ihren gefährlichsten Gegner, die USA, wollen sie nicht provozieren.

Rand Paul Confronts Biden's Transgender Health Nominee About "Genital Mutilation"

Incredible! Who is this deranged transgendered psychiatrist? She urgently needs mental treatment her/himself? She repeats twice like a mantra: "transgender medicine is a complex and nuanced field" Who is she trying to fool! So the 46th President has nominated a weirdo for a high level position in his administration?

As far as these transgender interventions are irreversible or difficult to reverse this causes major issues to all individuals who later regret the procedure/treatment!

If you do a web search for "transgender medicine" it does not even appear to be a widely recognized medical term! Transgender ideology is probably a more fitting description at this time!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Steve Turley: India and Australia CRACKDOWN on Big Tech as 5 Oregon Counties Vote to SECEDE!!!

Recommendable! Greater Idaho!

Wolfgang Schäuble: „Den Preis muss man zahlen, wenn man Europa stärker will“

Das sagt ein lebenslanger Berufspolitiker, der seit rund 48 Jahren auf Bundesebene aktiv ist! Warum Amtszeitbeschränkungen für Politiker so wichtig sind! Es entlarvt auch wie eindimensional und engstirnig lebenslange Berufspolitiker wie Schäuble und von der Leyen denken!

"... „Beim Impfen kann man doch sagen, dass der Staat seine Fürsorgepflicht gegenüber dem Bürger nicht richtig wahrgenommen hat. Denn jede Impfung, die zu spät kommt, die nicht vergeben wird, kann bedeuten, dass jemand zu Tode kommt und das ist unnötig, wenn wir auf die anderen Länder um uns herum blicken.“ Worauf Schäuble entgegnete: „Es nützt ja nichts, wenn wir in Deutschland das Virus besiegen oder wie man das nennt. Deswegen war der Ansatz richtig, es in Europa weit zu beschaffen, obwohl der ein bisschen komplizierter ist. Den Preis muss man zahlen, wenn man Europa stärker will. Europa ist ein bisschen komplizierter, muss man auch sagen.“ ..."

"... Ursula von der Leyen in einem Beitrag für die FAZ vertreten: „Auch ich stelle mir diese Fragen jeden Tag: Hätten wir schneller sein können? Und wäre ein einzelner Mitgliedstaat schneller gewesen?… Ja, es dauert vielleicht länger, Entscheidungen zu 27 zu treffen als allein. Aber stellen Sie sich vor, was passiert wäre, wenn am Anfang nur ein oder zwei Mitgliedstaaten Impfstoffe erhalten hätten. Das wäre für einige große Staaten wie Deutschland denkbar gewesen. Aber was hätte das für unsere Einheit in Europa bedeutet? Diese Abkehr von unseren europäischen Werten hätte nicht wenige gestärkt, sondern alle geschwächt. Das wäre an die Grundfesten Europas gegangen.“"

Schäuble bei Maischberger: „Den Preis muss man zahlen, wenn man Europa stärker will“

Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Speaks


"... In 1980, shortly after his father’s death and on his 20th birthday, Reza Pahlavi, declared himself to be the new Shah of Iran - Reza Shah II. The Jimmy Carter administration declined to recognize him, and instead recognized the Islamic Republic led by Ayatollah Khomeini. ...
Reza Pahlavi’s conclusive points are as follows: 1. The Biden administration is on the wrong path in rushing to announce that it intends to re-join the JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal). 2. Hate is the glue that holds the current Iranian regime together. 3. Most of the Iranian people view the Islamic Republic as a failure. 4. The Iranian people wish for peace with Israel. ...
Pahlavi explained that the West has entertained for over four decades the misconception that they (Americans and Europeans) might be able to change the Iranian regime’s behavior. The nuclear deal was motivated by just such a rationale. ..."

Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi Speaks | Frontpagemag A sobering caution to Biden on his path with Iran.

U.S. Surpasses 500,000 Deaths From COVID-19 phony news

The latest scare news regarding Covid-19 that was widely disseminated!

As usual, the death count is very likely significantly inflated. Anybody who dies with Covid-19 infection or positive test is listed regardless of actual cause of death. How many would have died if had a severe flu season instead of Covid-19?

Relative to the total U.S. population of about 323 million, 500,000 deaths represents only 0.15% of the population. If you do a similar calculation for Covid-19 deaths count for the entire world (2,499,445 source), then it comes out at 0.03% (World population: 7.8 billion). Does this not suggest that the U.S. death count is quite inflated? Or does it mean the death count for other countries is seriously underreported? Probably, the correct answer is a mix of both. 

U.S. Surpasses 500,000 Deaths From COVID-19 : Shots - Health News : NPR

Während der Ausbau der Windkraft in Deutschland lahmt, kommt er in Europa voran

Die Spinnerei der Windeier rotiert weiter in der Bananenrepublik Deutschland! Don Quijote hat in der Bananenrepublik seide freudige Wiedergeburt erfahren!

Windeurope-Geschäftsführer Giles Dickson im Gespräch Große Hoffnungen ruhen auf schwimmenden Anlagen. Ein Branchenvertreter verspricht sogar purzelnde Preise.

The Founding Fathers: 6 Prophetic Warnings That Are Coming True

Very recommendable!

Credits to Michael Lewis who in his YouTube video of 2/23/2021 quoted extensively from the below article!

Here is just an excerpt:
"... Benjamin Franklin worried that a salaried bureaucracy could breed career politicians.

In 1787, Franklin stood before the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, warning against a generously salaried congress: “Sir, there are two passions which have a powerful influence in the affairs of men. These are ambition and avarice — the love of power and the love of money… Place before the eyes of such men a post of honor, that shall, at the same time, be a place of profit, and they will move heaven and earth to obtain it. ...”

Franklin’s concerns were clearly not heeded. While the first members of Congress were paid $6 per day [how much is that actually in today's U.S. dollars. According to this source it is $30. Thus, it translated into $180 per day in today's money. Did first members of Congress really receive $6 per day back then?], members today receive a base salary of $174,000, placing them above 90 percent of American earners. This does not include additional annual allowances, which can run in the millions. Franklin also warned about the quality of leaders a hefty paycheck would attract:

It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government and be your rulers. “ ...

Thomas Jefferson dreaded the politicization of the Supreme Court.

In an 1821 letter to Nathaniel Macon, Jefferson expressed concerns about the politicization of judicial power: 

“Our government is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit, by consolidation first, and then corruption…. The engine of consolidation will be the federal judiciary; the two other branches the corrupting and corrupted instruments.” ...

James Madison warned that an unarmed people and biased press would breed tyranny.

In his 1830 autobiography, Madison outlined the preconditions necessary for tyrannical rule:

“Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.”"

The Founding Fathers: 6 Prophetic Warnings That Are Coming True – True News Hub

Bananenrepublik Deutschland: In der Wissenschaft spitze – auf dem Markt oft nur Mittelmaß

Die Bananenrepublik unter SED Kanzlerin Merkel hinkt hinterher! Biontech, als nachrangiger Beteiliger, ist ein weiteres Beispiel dafür! Wer glaubt mit sog. Expertenkommissionen unternehmerische Wagnisse zu verbessern ist einfach nur doof! Mehr freie Marktwirtschaft braucht das Land!

Die etwas dämlichen Journalisten (beide sind Redakteure im Ressort Wirtschaft) eröffnen ihren Artikel folgendermaßen:
"Die Regierung muss in der Wissenschaftspolitik der kommenden Jahre konkrete Vorgaben machen, um international vereinbarte Ziele wie etwa in der Klima-, CO2- oder Biodiversitätspolitik einzuhalten und hiesige Unternehmen im Innovationsrennen mit Amerika und Asien nicht ins Aus laufen zu lassen. ..."
Solche Staatsgläubigkeit ist erstaunlich und völlig fehl am Platz! Das Einhalten von international vereinbarten Umweltzielen wird der Wirtschaft wenig helfen im Hochsteuerland und überregulierten Deutschland!

"... Zwar gehören Konzerne wie VW, Daimler oder Bosch zu den forschungsaktivsten der Welt. Doch in vielversprechenden Feldern wie Halbleitern und IT, synthetischer Biologie und Nanotechnologie ist Deutschland nicht mehr in der Spitzengruppe auf der Welt. ..."

"... Im Jahr 2019 wurde nach Vorbild der amerikanischen Darpa die Agentur für Sprunginnovationen in Leipzig gegründet."
Sind wir hier beim Dressurreiten angelangt? Wer glaubt, dass die DARPA das Geheimnis oder der Motor der Innovationskraft der USA ist, liegt reichlich daneben!

Und der Quatsch geht munter weiter:
"... So könne der Staat „Innovationsaktivitäten in gesellschaftlich verabredete Richtungen lenken, die privatwirtschaftliche Akteure nicht von sich aus einschlagen“, heißt es im Gutachten. ..."
So einen Unsinn dank der SED Kanzlerin Merkel!

Neue EFI-Vorschläge: Mehr Forschung zu Produkten machen Wie kommt Deutschland kommerziell voran, wenn es um Zukunftstechnologien wie Künstliche Intelligenz und Quantencomputing geht? Fachleute machen Vorschläge.

Democrats call on President Biden to surrender sole control of nuclear weapons

This bombshell, first reported (2/23/2021) was little reported about even by conservative outlets. This letter is signed by only two Democratic Representatives. This request probably has little chance to go anywhere given that the U.S. President is the sole commander in chief based on the U.S. Constitution.

However, this attempt raises at least two questions:
  1. Are the Dimocrats seeing an opportunity to change the U.S. Constitution?
  2. Are some of the Democratic members of the U.S. Congress worried about the cognitive abilities of the 46th President of the United States?
Democrats call on President Biden to surrender sole control of nuclear weapons - TheBlaze

Utah House will vote on whether to call racism a public health crisis

The increasing hysteria regarding the racism demagoguery in the U.S.. It is very surprising that Utah, the land of the Mormons, is caught up in this!

"... The [Utah] House Health and Human Services Committee voted in unanimous support of the resolution, HJR13, which will now go to the full House for consideration. ..."

Utah House will vote on whether to call racism a public health crisis The measure would call on state legislators to pass anti-racist laws and rules.

The Genes We Lost Along the Way

Very recommendable! Amazing stuff!

Did you know we once had a gene that produces the precursor of vitamin C?
"... The non-functional gulonolactone oxidase pseudogene (GULOP) was mapped to human chromosome 8p21 that corresponds to an evolutionarily conserved segment on either porcine chromosome 4 (SSC4) or 14 (SSC14). GULO produces the precursor to ascorbic acid, which spontaneously converts to the vitamin ("vitamin C"). ..." (Source)

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Tucker Carlson: Sen. Josh Hawley calls Pelosi's pick to lead Capitol review 'absolutely outrageous'

Very recommendable! Scary stuff! FBI with emergency powers! Big corporations offering customer data to law enforcement!

Notes on transgender

Transgender, bisexuality, fluidity of gender and similar related obsessions of our time can not be completely dismissed!

As far as human reproduction and our bodies are concerned there are at least a few recognizable trends that suggest that the gender or biological sex of a human will be less important in the near future:

  1. With the rapid advance of medical treatments death and ageing will be further postponed and the life at old age will be much improved. For example, if our mental faculties do not degrade with age anymore or even improve with age, one of the reasons for children becomes less important
  2. In my estimation, in about 20-40 years from now pregnancy and birth giving as we humans have known it since time immemorial will be replaced by other means. In other words, women will not have to get pregnant anymore to give birth to a new human being
  3. There will likely be substitutes/alternatives available to sexual pleasures etc.

MIT Sloan School of Management: Should we allow criticism while brainstorming?

I have been convinced for many years that business schools tend to sell a lot of hot air and banalities! They repackage and regurgitate a lot of ancient common sense and wisdom! They also produce quite a few harmful dogmas and short lived fashions of the day! Here is some recent evidence for that!

"Some years ago,Jared Curhan, the Gordon Kaufman Professor and an associate professor of work and organization studies at MIT Sloan, picked up a copy of The New Yorker and began reading an article about creativity. It took only a few paragraphs before he drew back in a mix of surprise and disbelief. The journalist was describing several new scientific studies that argued criticism might be a boon to creativity. How could that be? ...
For many decades, the ground rule has been to prohibit negative feedback while generating creative options,” Curhan, who is the faculty director of MIT's Behavioral Research Lab, said. “This is ingrained in the way the work gets done.” ...
devised two experiments to explore these questions. They ultimately found that when the setting is cooperative, criticism can boost creativity, whereas in competitive or adversarial settings, criticism should be prohibited. ..."

Should we allow criticism while brainstorming? | MIT Sloan In cooperative settings, criticism can boost creativity in brainstorming and negotiation.

First black hole ever found is more massive than previously thought

Very recommendable! This research may be very consequential! Astonishing large corrections! Science or fiction? Or how unsettled is scientific knowledge? We are reminded of Karl Popper's Criterion of Falsifiability! As so often, when new technologies are being used, scientific knowledge is expanded and revised!

Perhaps, we ought to build a very large array of radio dishes on the moon?

"... New observations of the black hole–star pair called Cygnus X-1 indicate that the black hole weighs about 21 times as much as the sun — nearly 1.5 times heavier than past estimates. The updated mass has astronomers rethinking how some black hole–forming stars evolve. For a star-sized, or stellar, black hole that massive to exist in the Milky Way, its parent star must have shed less mass through stellar winds than expected ...
Stephen Hawking famously bet physicist Kip Thorne that the Cygnus X-1 system, discovered in 1964, did not include a black hole — and conceded the wager in 1990, when scientists had broadly accepted that Cygnus X-1 contained the first known black hole in the universe ...
Astronomers got a new look at Cygnus X-1 using the Very Long Baseline Array, or VLBA. This network of 10 radio dishes stretches across the United States, from Hawaii to the Virgin Islands, collectively forming a continent-sized radio dish. ...
The new observations suggest that Cygnus X-1 is about 7,200 light-years from Earth, rather than the previous estimate of about 6,000 light-years. This implies that the star in Cygnus X-1 is even brighter, and therefore bigger, than astronomers thought. The star weighs about 40.6 suns, the researchers estimate. The black hole must also be more massive in order to explain its gravitational tug on such a massive star. The black hole weighs about 21.2 suns — much heftier than its previously estimated 14.8 solar masses, the scientists say.
The new mass measurement for Cygnus X-1’s black hole is so big that it challenges astronomers’ understanding of the massive stars that collapse to form black holes ..."

First black hole ever found is more massive than previously thought | Science News Cygnus X-1 is the heaviest stellar black hole observed without using gravitational waves

Here is the link to the referenced paper:

Außenminister Maas warnt: Klimawandel größte Bedrohung für Frieden

Herr Maßlos ist wieder mal der Hans Dampf in allen Gassen! Warum ist so ein ausgemachter Spinner wie Herr Maas Außenminister? Nur in einer Bananenrepublik ist so was möglich! SED Kanzlerin Merkel bitte zurücktreten, schon seit Jahre überfällig! Der Mann ist dem Global Warming hoax auf den Leim gegangen. Er ist ein naiver Jünger der Climate Change Religion!

"Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) hat vor den Folgen des Klimawandels für den Frieden in der Welt gewarnt. Er forderte die Vereinten Nationen (UN) auf, den Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung zur „obersten Priorität“ zu erklären, sagte Maas während einer digitalen Konferenz des UN-Sicherheitsrates mit Sitz in New York City laut mehreren Nachrichtenagenturen. Es handle sich um die größte Bedrohung für die Menschheit.

Der Klimawandel heize Konflikte an, womit der Frieden akut gefährdet sei. Zudem wirke sich die Erderwärmung „negativ auf die soziale Gerechtigkeit und Gleichstellung“ aus. Maas sprach bei der Sitzung im Namen von 54 Mitgliedsstaaten der „Freundesgruppe Klima und Sicherheit“."

Außenminister Maas warnt: Klimawandel größte Bedrohung für Frieden

'Want to see my muscles?' An 81-year-old American great-grandmother at an Israeli gym

Ageless, timeless! Age is only a number! Meet the unofficial Miss Universe! You better don't mess with this lady! 😄

"Israel reopened its gyms on Sunday as its vaccination rates climbed, and to showcase the return to (relative) normalcy, one TV channel turned to Effi Hertzke, an American great-grandmother and volunteer nurse who was fully vaccinated.
At 81, she was already working out — and flirting with the news anchor. ..."

'Want to see my muscles?' An 81-year-old American bubbe at an Israeli gym gave the best interview ever. - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Effi Hertzke, at an Israeli gym wearing makeup, large earrings and a shirt reading "BADGIRLS," flexes her muscles on Israeli TV,

Why do we all have to wear face masks?

First, given the fact that by latest July 2020 it had become obvious that the Covid-19 pandemic is fairly harmless, governments should never have mandated face mask wearing over such an extended period. It should have been left to the citizens to voluntarily choose to wear a mask or not. 

Individual freedom and responsibility were massively and unnecessarily trampled on/restricted by Western governments for an incredibly long period!

These mandates are clearly government paternalism in form of a stupid one size fits all measure! Not to mention that the many flimsy masks or poorly fitting masks worn by people are probably not very effective!

Or do we all have to wear masks to mask/prevent potential discrimination of a vulnerable minority of the population who would have chosen to wear masks in disproportionally larger numbers than the majority of the population? So out of government enforced solidarity with the minority of the vulnerable we all have to wear masks? I am afraid in these times of irrational sensibility and minority glorification/adoration this is quite possible!

It is actually a scary thought if in Western democracies, where supposedly individual freedom and responsibility are among the highest cherished common values, massive government interventions to protect a minority under the pretense of and misinformation about a dangerous pandemic by forcing the majority to give up significant freedoms. And this has been possible outside of war!

To quote Benjamin Franklin: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

Klimaschutz in USA und China: Widerstand gegen die Weltrettung

Schrott Journalismus aus der Bananenrepublik Deutschland! Seit wann will eine kommunistische Diktatur den Umweltschutz ernst nehme? Lächerlich! China baut fleißig viele neue Kohlekraftwerke! Klimaschutz ist ein deutsches Unwort!

Man lese nur die bizarre Einleitung zu diesem Artikel:
"In Qingyang ist Chinas Wirtschaftswunder vorbeigegangen. Es gibt ein Revolutionsmuseum hier, aber keine gutbezahlte Arbeit. Der Landstrich in Zentralchina produziert vor allem schlechte Nachrichten. Vor zwei Jahren sprang ein 19 Jahre altes Mädchen aus dem achten Stock, nachdem sie ihr Lehrer sexuell belästigt hatte. Vor ein paar Tagen wurde in Qingyang ein Mann hingerichtet, der zwei geisteskranke Frauen ermordet und die Leichname an eine „Geisterhochzeit“ verkauft hatte, bei der ledig Verstorbene von den Angehörigen mit einer Toten verheiratet werden, damit sie im Jenseits nicht alleine sind. ..."

Klimaschutz in USA und China: Widerstand gegen die Weltrettung (behind paywall) Die beiden Weltmächte China und Amerika wollen jetzt Ernst machen mit dem Klimaschutz. Doch der hat in beiden Ländern einflussreiche Gegner.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

President Donald Trump incredible welcome in Saudi Arabia

Indeed a bit unusual! Don't miss to watch President Trump wielding a sword to heavy drum music with some other members of his administration during a visit to Saudi Arabia.

Here is a substitute video from AP:
Unfortunately, it does not contain Trump and other members of his administration dancing with a sword.

Global Health NOW: Propaganda to promote Covid-19 vaccination

Want to see some propaganda and demagoguery spread about Covid-19 by doctors and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

What exactly Covid-19 had to do with the lung x-ray on the right is anyone's guess (see below)! This is outrageous propaganda and demagoguery! I was shocked when I saw this! Not even Joseph Goebbels could do a better job!

Everyone with common sense looking at the facts knows or realizes that Covid-19 is a fairly harmless pandemic primarily affecting very old people and people with severe comorbidities or compromised immune system. Up to 50-60% of infected people do not have any or minor symptoms, about 20-30% have only mild symptoms and so on.

Global Health NOW: New FDA Take on Vaccines Against Variants; Pfizer ‘Bullies’ Latin American Countries; and Very Noisy Silent Killers (newsletter of 2/23/2021)

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Warum China in der Quantentechnologie die Nase vorn hat


"... Auf den Quantencomputer, der erstmals wirklich mehr leisten kann, als mit einem klassischen Rechner möglich ist, werden wir noch einige Jahre warten müssen. Die erste wirklich breite und weltweite Anwendung ist die Quantenkryptographie. ...
Die Projekte werden dort [in China] viel systematischer angegangen als in jedem westeuropäischen Land. Ich bin überzeugt, dass man in China schon daran arbeitet, alle wichtigen Einrichtungen über eine weltraumgestützte Quantenverschlüsselung mit Peking abhörsicher zu verbinden. Es wird davon gesprochen, dass China zwanzig oder mehr Quantensatelliten in den kommenden Jahren starten will. Das ist keine Testphase mehr. ...
Im Jahr 2016 konnte ich den Start des chinesischen Quantensatelliten „Micius“ vor Ort mitverfolgen. Es war schön zu wissen, dass vieles an Bord auf unseren Arbeiten in Österreich aufbaute. Inzwischen ist China den Europäern in der Quantentechnologie einen großen Schritt voraus. ...
In der Grundlagenforschung ist Europa immer noch führend, vor China und inzwischen auch vor Amerika. Das Problem ist nach wie vor die technologische Umsetzung. ..."

Warum China in der Quantentechnologie die Nase vorn hat Die Quantenkryptographie ist die erste wirklich breite und weltweite Anwendung der Quantentechnologie. Ein Gespräch mit dem österreichischen Quantenphysiker Anton Zeilinger, warum China hier die Nase vorn hat.

Rettet die EU vor ihren schlimmsten Freunden und Ursula von der Leyen


"... Ursula von der Leyen kombiniert Entschiedenheit mit Unfähigkeit. ... Diese Art von Bevormundungs-EU braucht kein Mensch außer daheim abgeschobenen Politikern und viel zu vielen überbezahlten Bürokraten, die damit ihre eigene Macht, Bedeutung und Einkommen erweitern wollen. ...
Und dann versucht UvdL noch schnell, die Grenze zwischen Nord-Irland und der Republik wieder einzuführen – wobei das Offenhalten dieser Grenze bislang ein zentrales Motiv der EU-Politik war. Da werden sich jetzt manche Iren fragen, ob nicht doch die Partnerschaft mit GB handfester ist als mit der Wirren aus Brüssel. Die Ungarn bestellen ihren Impfstoff jetzt übrigens in Russland und China ..."

Rettet die EU vor ihren schlimmsten Freunden und Ursula von der Leyen

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Liz Wheeler: What's about to happen with Joe Biden & the Iran deal?

Recommendable! Short & sweet!

Rowan Dean: Climate activists are 'cowards, crooks, or clowns' playing us for fools

Very recommendable! Caution: No fake news from Sky News Australia! If you are a snowflake, you will melt! 😄 Indeed solar activity or non activity is the main source of any climate changes on earth!

The next act for messenger RNA could be bigger than Covid vaccines

Recommendable! The story of the super fast in record speed development of a Covid-19 vaccine is truly stunning! More than 20 years of research finally paid off big time! It will have many amazing future developments coming from it! Untold possibilities! 

We ought to be very thankful to President Trump, who made this possible against all odds and resistance! Unfortunately, the very long article does not mention Trump even once! Very disingenuous and dishonest by the MIT Technology Review!

" ... In the near future, researchers believe, shots that deliver temporary instructions into cells could lead to vaccines against herpes and malaria, better flu vaccines, and, if the covid-19 germ keeps mutating, updated coronavirus vaccinations, too. ... They think the technology will permit cheap gene fixes for cancer, sickle-cell disease, and maybe even HIV. ...
Despite those two decades of research, though, messenger RNA had never been used in any marketed drug before last year. ...
Scientists at Moderna, a biotech specializing in messenger RNA, were able to design a vaccine on paper [???] in 48 hours, 11 days before the US even had its first recorded case. Inside of six weeks, Moderna had chilled doses ready for tests in animals. ...
The eureka moment was when the two scientists determined they could avoid the immune reaction [severe cytokine storm] by using chemically modified building blocks to make the RNA. ...
A second major question was how to package the delicate RNA molecules, which last for only a couple of minutes if exposed. ... tried 40 different carriers, including water droplets, sugar, and proteins from salmon sperm. ... Most promising were nanoparticles made from a mixture of fats. But these were secret commercial inventions and are still the basis of patent disputes. ... until 2014, after half a decade of attempts. ...
that most vaccines lose money. The reason is that many shots sell for a “fraction of their economic value.” Governments will pay $100,000 for a cancer drug that adds a month to a person’s life but only want to pay $5 for a vaccine that can protect against an infectious disease for good. ...
The shots from Moderna and BioNTech proved effective by December [2020] and were authorized that month in the US. ...
There are some side effects, but both shots are about 95% effective (that is, they stop 95 out of 100 cases), a record so far unmatched by other covid-19 vaccines and far better than the performance of flu vaccines. Another injection, made by AstraZeneca using an engineered cold virus, is around 75% effective. A shot developed in China using deactivated covid-19 germs protected only half the people who got it, although it did stop severe disease. ...
The potency of the shots, and the ease with which they can be reprogrammed, mean researchers are already preparing to go after HIV, herpes, infant respiratory virus, and malaria—all diseases for which there’s no successful vaccine. Also on the drawing board: “universal” flu vaccine ...
Last spring, ... began petitioning the government to pay for vast manufacturing centers to make messenger RNA. ... to churn out shots during the next pandemic. ... in April, ... Later that month, as part of Operation Warp Speed, the US effort to produce the vaccines, Moderna was effectively picked as a national champion to build such centers. The government handed it nearly $500 million to develop its vaccine and expand manufacturing. ..."

The next act for messenger RNA could be bigger than covid vaccines | MIT Technology Review New messenger RNA vaccines to fight the coronavirus are based on a technology that could transform medicine. Next up: sickle cell and HIV.

China's Lost Tang Dynasty Tomb Murals

Very recommendable! Learn among other things about the ruthless female ruler Wu Zetian. Many paintings of the Tang dynasty did not survive, because they were painted on silk. Thus these tomb murals are exceptional. Many of the Tang dynasty tombs have not yet even been excavated.

Charlie Chaplin - Complete Globe Scene - The Great Dictator

Enjoy! The genius of Charlie Chaplin!

The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps


Friday, February 19, 2021

Richard Pryor - Exorcist / Dracula bit

Enjoy! Get the cross out of your pussy! This is one of his jokes I remember best! Ey you with the cape! What's your name! Where you from fool? Why don't you get your teeth fixed! You want to suck what? Sucking blood? Go down to the blood bank!

Richard Pryor "The Ghetto" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Enjoy! When I heard some of Richard Pryor jokes for the first time in Germany over 30 years ago, I cracked up! It was so funny and so unusual to me.

‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised’

Recommendable! The headline is spot on! You watch Australian news to be informed! :-)

Janet Yellen: America Needs $1.9 Trillion Stimulus -- 'We Are Digging Out of a Deep Hole'

Again, Janet Yellen proves what a horrible Keynesian economist she has always been! If only Big Government spends enough of taxpayers' money ...

She has been a one trick pony throughout her professional career. Government deficit spending is all she knows!

She is a mediocre economist: According to Microsoft Academic her lifetime citation count is only 9,813 for 68 publications (as of 2/19/2021). By comparison, Milton Friedman 165,635 citations for 468 publications.
What really stimulates the economy is less regulations and less taxation! More free market economics! Let the entrepreneurs get to work! Period!

Yellen: America Needs $1.9 Trillion Stimulus -- 'We Are Digging Out of a Deep Hole'

Howard Hughes Medical Insitute: Commits $30 Million to Increase Diversity in Science

What would have Howard Hughes said about this? Is this another example of a violation of original donor intent?

"... As of 2021, HHMI has committed more than $105 million to increasing academic faculty diversity through the Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program .."

HHMI Commits $30 Million to Increase Diversity in Science with 21 Hanna Gray Fellows | HHMI announces the selection of 21 exceptional early career scientists as 2020 Hanna Gray Fellows to support diversity in biomedical research. 

Newly created UK Supreme Court issued a flawed judgement on Uber

Unfortunately, I don't have the time go into the details of this. But this judgment smells like the UK Supreme Court made fundamental mistake in judgement! 

This UK Supreme Court was only established in 2009. Does this judgment indicates that the famous common law rulings in the history of the United Kingdom have come to an end and that progressive motivated judgments are taking over?

This judgment has the appearance of a massive intervention in the free market economy and establishes unnecessary government control.

Apparently, this judgement is extremely flawed! To quote from the press summary of the court:
" ... The Supreme Court considers and explains its previous decision in Autoclenz Ltd v Belcher [2011] UKSC 41 [68 - 69 ]. The correct approach is to consider the purpose of the relevant employment legislation [70]. That purpose is to give protection to vulnerable individuals who have little or no say over their pay and working conditions because they are in a subordinate and dependent position in relation to a person or organisation which exercises control over their work ..."

Uber Loses U.K. Ruling on Drivers in Blow to Gig Economy - Reader Mode

Here is the judgment link:

Sozialismus: Die gescheiterte Idee, die niemals stirbt

Dummheit ist grenzenlos! Sozialismus ist für machthungrige Diktatoren (z.B. Diktatur des Proletariats], die gab es schon immer seit dem Aufkommens des Homo Sapiens!

"Es gibt wohl kaum ein schillernderes Phänomen als den Sozialismus. In den letzten 100 Jahren gab es mehr als zwei Dutzend Versuche [das scheint eine Untertreibung zu sein], eine sozialistische Gesellschaft aufzubauen, von der ehemaligen Sowjetunion über Kuba und Nordkorea bis hin zu Venezuela – alle waren früher oder später zum Scheitern verurteilt. Wie kann eine Idee, die sich so oft, in so vielen unterschiedlichen Varianten und Kontexten als unrealisierbar herausgestellt hat, nach wie vor so populär sein? ..."

Sozialismus: Die gescheiterte Idee, die niemals stirbt: Niemietz, Kristian: Bücher