Thursday, November 05, 2020

The 2020 U.S. general election cost a record $14 billion

As they say money talks! Money screamed during this general election for the Dimocratic Party! Money donated to the Dimocratic Party far outspent the GOP! Horrifying! Why is there such a deafening silence about and constant diversion from this subject? The American people deserve to learn more about this money influence!

The Biden campaign alone collected $1 billion compared to $600 million for Trump. Mind boggling! So much money was spent on a senile lifelong career politician candidate with obvious mental decline who is a proven pathological liar and a flip flopper with his radical left wing vice presidential candidate!

"... Total Democratic spending by candidates and aligned outside groups on the election to date is just shy of $7 billion, while Republican spending sits at "just" $3.8 billion. ... The report also noted that "Democrats have never had a financial advantage this large." ..."

"The total cost of the 2020 election will nearly reach an unprecedented $14 billion, making it the most expensive election in history and twice as expensive as the previous presidential election cycle. ...
Democratic candidates and groups have spent $6.9 billion, compared to $3.8 billion for Republicans. Democrats' spending falls to $5.5 billion when excluding spending by billionaire[s] ... Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. ... Even when excluding the money spent by billionaire presidential candidates Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer, Democratic candidates and groups have spent $5.5 billion compared to Republicans’ $3.8 billion. Democrats have never had a financial advantage this large. ..."
You have to let this sink in, two billionaires alone spent $1.4 billion for Biden to win!

The absolutely stunning price tag of the 2020 election - CNNPolitics

This is a shocking chart! Spending for Dimocrats almost drowned that for GOP!

The usual culprits:

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