Monday, November 09, 2020

More than three billion Milky Way’s sun-like stars could be home to Earth-like planets

We are not alone!

"Nearly 4,300 exoplanets have been discovered by astronomers, and it’s quite obvious now our galaxy is filled with them. ...
When applied to current estimates of 4.1 billion sun-like stars in the [Milky Way] galaxy, their model suggests there are at minimum 300 million with at least one habitable planet. ... Even less conservative predictions suggest it could be over 3.6 billion [sun-like stars]. ..."

Half the Milky Way’s sun-like stars could be home to Earth-like planets | MIT Technology Review A new study of exoplanet data suggests there are at least 300 million potentially habitable planets orbiting stars like the sun, and likely way more.

Here is the respective research article:

From reading the abstract of this paper you would never guess what the MIT Technology Review wrote about it. The paper is 43 pages long, not even the results chapter reflects what MIT TR wrote about it. However, I only briefly perused the paper.

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