Friday, March 20, 2020

The elephant in the server room and data feminism

The MIT is a purveyor of feminist ideology!

"Now D’Ignazio, an assistant professor in MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, has taken a deeper look at this issue in a new book, co-authored with Lauren Klein, an associate professor of English and quantitative theory and methods at Emory University. In the book, “Data Feminism,” published this month by the MIT Press, the authors use the lens of intersectional feminism to scrutinize how data science reflects the social structures it emerges from. ... “Intersectional feminism examines unequal power,” write D’Ignazio and Klein"

"Buolamwini found that for the facial-recognition system in question, the software was based on a set of faces which were 78 percent male and 84 percent white; only 4 percent were female and dark-skinned, like herself"
Absolutely laughable! So what! Everybody knowledgeable knows that face recognition systems are still in their infancy and that training datasets may not be as representative as one would wish!

"Still, the question of who participates in data science is, as the authors write, “the elephant in the server room.” As of 2011, only 26 percent of all undergraduates receiving computer science degrees in the U.S. were women. That is not only a low figure, but actually a decline from past levels: In 1985, 37 percent of computer science graduates were women, the highest mark on record."
So what! whether it is 26% or 37% this is high compared to other engineering disciplines! What this MIT professor is complaining about is so pathetic!

The elephant in the server room | MIT News: MIT Assistant Professor Catherine D’Ignazio is co-author of a new book, “Data Feminism,” which examines problems of bias and power that beset modern information.

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