Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hybrid infrared–optical microscope could improve cancer diagnostics

Amazing stuff! This could be another major breakthrough in microscopy! 
All-digital histopathology without staining!

" ... adding an IR laser and an interference objective to an optical camera, which harnesses the strengths of both modalities. The hybrid microscope has the same high resolution, large field-of-view and accessibility of an optical system, while its software can use the IR data to compute an image that looks similar to a conventional stained sample. ... The researchers are now working to optimize machine-learning programs that can measure multiple IR wavelengths, creating images that readily distinguish between multiple cell types, and integrate that data with the detailed optical images to precisely map cancer within a sample. ... "

Hybrid infrared–optical microscope could improve cancer diagnostics – Physics World: A simple addition to a conventional microscope allows for all-digital histopathology

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